Friday the 14th

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Welcome to what social anxiety feels like. Now you must know my pain!

Overall, the year that Will and Techno turned 13 was a weird one. Tommy had gotten used to everything, he was a little less chaotic... Most of the time, and Wilbur was having a good school year, making friends, (apparently there were two new kids at school) about once a month Techno would go back to the Nether and chat with Mace, he couldn't really say they were good friends, but they both learned new things about each other's culture. And Techno was trying to keep an eye on the King for his sister's sake.

Phil had loosened up on Techno's curfew that year too, which Wilbur was excited about, Techno could care less.

But since Wilbur was excited, he and Techno went out after dinner to go to Charlie's house. Phil had always wanted to protect Techno because even if he was very smart, (which he was) people would still see him as a mob. And he could get hurt. But Techno was older now, and he would be protected by Wilbur as well as himself, so Phil agreed to let them both stay out after dark.

Wilbur told Charlie about this, and he said he could do one better, so after talking with his mom, she agreed that they could have a sleepover! Wilbur was excited, Charlie was going to invite Niki and Wilbur would bring Techno.

Techno was confused. He'd never gone to a sleep over before. What was the point? You're just going to be asleep in a slightly different location. There's no point of you're unconscious. Wilbur claimed that no one actually goes to sleep at a sleepover. Then why were they bringing bed stuff?? This just sounded like a really long hangout, and Techno didn't know anyone but Wilbur there. But Phil says socializing is good, so he'd give it a shot. Dispite being nervous and confused.

They both got there and Charlie was excited. But he had something shocking to say.

"So Y'know those two new kids?"


Oh no. Techno didn't want to meet brand new people. They're scary.

"So they didn't have any friends other than each other so I invited them! I hope that's okay."

"Cool!" Wilbur said.

Charlie turned around and opened the door letting them both in. Techno grabbed Wilbur's hand.

"I don't know them." He whispered.

"Relax Techno, this is your chance to make friends." Wilbur said walking into the house. Techno ran in after him. He didn't want to lose the only person that he could hang out with if all else fails.

He ran into the house to see Niki talking with the two new people. They weren't exactly what he was expecting, maybe scarier. Techno didn't know what they were like, what if he insulted them by accident or, they didn't like him because he was scary looking, because of his tusks, or his eyes, or-

He stepped closer to Wilbur. They might not like him and he didn't want to risk being all alone.

Phil says that when you're nervous, taking a deep breath can help, and right now he was very stressed.

Techno took a near silent deep breath, but Wilbur noticed.

Niki saw Wilbur and Techno and ran up to them.

"Hi guys! I'm glad you found make it!"

'I'm not' Techno thought. But he didn't say it out loud. That would be rude and they probably hate him enough already.

"This is Skeppy and badboyhalo!" Upon hearing their names they both came up to say hi.

"Actually his name is badboynoob, but close enough." He smiled.

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