Nether Again

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It's been a long day of sensory overload.

This one's long btw. Sorry not sorry.

"Don't go there." Techno grabbed Dream's wrist before he stepped foot into the new biome. Dream's foot hovering just above the line.

"And why not?" Dream asked looking back at Technoblade. His eyes were... Dull, they didn't show any more of his emotions. As if he was covering then up. His eyes looked more sinister like that.

"It's a soul sand valley." Technoblade said.

"Yeah, and?"

"Don't go into it." Technoblade repeated.

"And what if I do?"

"Then you're on your own."

Dream stepped back and pulled his wrist from Technoblade's grasp. He was acting strange, and Dream didn't know why. Technoblade was always a hard person to read, (and frankly Dream wasn't very good at reading people) but this was just straight up unusual behavior.

"We can go around." Techno said turning to go another way.

But before he got far Dream grabbed him by the arm and pushed him into the valley.

He didn't know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't what ended up happening.

Technoblade shrieked.

Shrieked, shrieked.

It was high and loud, and before Dream could even process what had happened, Techno had dashed back to the netherack. When he got there he fell to his knees, almost gasping for air. All in a split second.

"Techno, what the hell?"

Techno said nothing.

Dream looked back to the valley. There was no soul fire or zombie Piglins in sight, just a skeleton really far out. There was nothing but sand for him to be scared of.

Dream started to giggle, "Are you afraid of the soul sand? Of all things, soul sand? That's so-"

Dream stopped. He'd turned around only to find that Techno had not gotten up. He may have only known Technoblade for a matter of hours, but Techno had been adamant about never stopping in the Nether. Ever.

"Technoblade?" Dream asked, approaching Techno. He was gripping his crown tightly and staring intently at nothing.


Still nothing. Dream sat down next to him.


"DREAM! I- IT-" Techno shot into a bunch of stuttering as he tried to explain, or come up with an excuse, or, just respond with anything coherent really.

"Techno stop." Dream grabbed his shoulders. He suddenly shut up and it became eerily quiet.

"What was that?"

Techno hesitated for a moment. Then seemed to give in.

"I- it's the soul sand- it- reminds me of... Bad memories."

That was a rather light way to say trauma.

"That's why you didn't want me going in there."

Technoblade nodded.

Dream understood that. Really understood that. He wasn't that good at understand other people unless they told him directly. But this he understood. They were on the same level in the public's eyes. They delt with the same problems.

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