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"This is safe right?" Wilbur asked nervously.

He peered over the edge of the boat, and the river, it was moving pretty fast and declining my as well. He was not looking forward to this.

"Uh, no I'm pretty sure it isn't." Sally said with a shrug.

"Wait what!?"

There was a flash of light and Sally turned into a large salmon, big enough to push the boat into the current. She pushed it in and jumped into the boat as a human again.

The tunnels twisted and turned all the way down into a cave at bedrock, which was filled with water. So it's basically a water slide. Or so Sally had said.

The boat picked up speed and went rushing down the tunnels. Wilbur yelped at all the turns, he could hear Sally laughing. It lasted about a minute or so until it went over a small waterfall and landed on the top of the water in the cavern. It rocked back and forth, slowing down gradually.

Wilbur turned to Sally, who had a huge smile on her face.

"Okay, I'll admit, that was a little fun."

"Right! Let's go again." Sally hopped out of the boat and started pushing it to shore, watch was just a platform of rock that the water hadn't risen over yet.

"I can't believe that this is what you wanted to show me." Wilbur said as he comes out of the boat.

The two of them pulled the boat onto the shore.

"C'mon, you're having fun." Sally said.

They hauled the small boat back up a ramp to the top of the cave again. Sally apparently mined it out the day before for this purpose.

"Don't you have more important things to do?" Wilbur asked.

"Hey, let a girl live a little." Sally pushed the boat back into the river.

"It sounds like stuff like this is all you ever do in your free time." Wilbur said.

"You're ruining the fun."

They slid down again. Wilbur was able to scream less now that he knew where all the sharp turns were. They got to the bottom again with a huge splash.

"Okay, yeah. This is fun." Wilbur admitted. It was pretty exhilarating actually. Wilbur hadn't had this much fun in a while.

"Y'know what's more fun?" Sally asked.


"This!" Sally pushed Wilbur off the boat and into the water. He swam up to the surface.

"You jerk!" Wilbur grabbed the side of the boat and yanked it down, tipping the boat over and she fell in too with a yelp.

She swam to the surface a lot faster than Wilbur did, and quickly turned the boat over.

"Again?" She asked, climbing into the boat.

"I don't know, it was hard dragging the boat all the way back up there." Wilbur whined.

Wilbur and Sally went down again, and again. Soon they were just sitting in the boat on the lake, too tired too push it back up to the top. Wilbur had collected a bunch of rocks and was skipping them across the lake. He wasn't the best at skipping rocks but it was something to do. Sally was leaned back against the opposite side of the boat, just watching him with a tired look on her face.

"You really have nothing better to do?" Wilbur asked.


"Nothing?" Wilbur looked to Sally. She seemed almost, smaller. And more reserved.

"I don't want to talk about it." She said sharply. Wilbur almost flinched at the sudden tone shift. He looked away and nothing more was said.

Wilbur felt really bad. He didn't mean to push anything. He didn't really know what to do now. He suddenly felt very fidgety.

Sally sat up, and the boat rocked as she did so.

"We should probably go, it's getting late and if we stay much longer the caves are going to get really dark and mobs will spawn." Her tone was a bit cheerier, but nothing  compared to before.

Sally hopped off the boat and Wilbur felt her push on it.

It was slower than before, it was a slower pace. Instead of cutting though the water it felt more like it was gliding slowly across the surface.

Wilbur didn't know if that was because she was tired or because of him.

They both pulled the boat up onto the shore and headed up the ramp.

"Oh it is getting dark." Wilbur said when they got to the top and saw that the opening was letting in little light.

"Mhm." Sally said. "I have a good sense of time."

Wilbur walked towards the glow lichen before stopping and turning back around to face Sally.



"I'm sorry I said that, I didn't mean-"

"Wilbur it's okay." She cut him off. "I'm not upset with you, I know you didn't mean anything by it."

"Oh." Wil turned back to the glow lichen.


He looked back, "Yeah?"

"Come back tomorrow. Please?"

"Oh- yeah! Okay!"

Sally smiled, "see ya, sugar." There was a flash of light, and then she was gone.

Wilbur didn't know how to feel about that, but he was definitely coming back tomorrow.


Depending on the type of music I'm listening to, I will write slightly differently. Like the words have a different tone. If I'm listening to something sad, it'll be slower, if it's fact paced and loud, the things that happen will be more energetic.

I'm writing this in school because most of the Wind Symphony is also in jazz band, and they're all gone today, so we're just chillin' in a nearly empty music room and the substitute is playing classical music so that we technically did something.

I swear, that changed the way I wrote and I can't figure out how.

Anyway, none of that actually matters at all.

Farewell Plerps!

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