The Blade.

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Tommy didn't understand why everyone was so tense for a bit after Wilbur came home early with his friend. But he didn't care all that much.

The more at home Tommy felt the more chaotic he got. Which quickly became a problem. The kid would  be annoying all day then crash with exhaustion, then wake up the next morning to do it again. It was an exhausting cycle for Wilbur and Phil. Since they were the only ones who could control the kid. And sometimes not even Phil could. Techno didn't want to be angry or jealous of someone who wasn't doing anything wrong. But he was perfectly fine with being mad with someone who was testing his patience on purpose. Whether it was jumping in front of his sword to start rambling and yelling (So loud...), or if it was constantly trying to get inside of his room. So far techno had protected his things very well. Tommy hadn't seen the inside of his room yet. But he was going to eventually. And that was the last thing techno wanted. Tommy would yell and jump off of counters to try and fly like Phil, and then need attention from everyone. Which did actually make sense. Sometimes he would just decide to wrap himself around Techno's leg and not let go for hours. All the while Techno was getting more and more angry at the little gremlin child.

Techno was up a little before sunrise, sitting in the living room reading a book. The low light wasn't a problem. Techno had good eyes. After all, he grew up in the dim orange light from the lava in the nether. He was reading early in a futile attempt to get some peace. But as always, Tommy was determined to ruin all of Techno's plans.

Tommy woke up early 'cause why not, and walked into the living room where Techno was.

"BLADE! HAI! My friend!"

"Shhh. Phil and Wilbur are still asleep."

"Well that's dumb, they should wake up."

"No, they're trying to get sleep, something you haven't been letting them get."

"I don't care! What are you reading!?"



"Because I want to extend my vocabulary."


"So I can talk better."


"Because I want to be able to talk well."


"Please, shut up."

"Mm... No."

Techno groaned.

"Don't you have something to do before Will wakes up?"

"Yup! Hang out with The Blade!"

"What if I don't want to?"

"Everyone wants to hang out with Tommy!"


Wilbur woke when Tommy got up. Here was very tired however and just wanted to sleep for a bit longer. He was very tired from trying to get Tommy to stop jumping off counters and yelling. Because Techno would wince everytime he yelled in the vicinity of Techno. Poor Techno had never been with someone so loud for so long. Wilbur felt a little bad about it. He kinda just brought a loud kid home and told Techno to deal with it. And he could tell that Techno didn't like him all that much, but was putting up with him anyway.

Wilbur could respect that.

Wilbur took a deep breath. He wasn't going to fall back asleep. He got up slowly and got ready for the day. He walked out of his room with his signature beanie and other than feeling tired he felt good... Until he went into the living room.

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