Shield up, Guard down

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The best video. ^^

Sun Tzu didn't cover what to do if your team was comprised of idiots did he?

Technoblade figured he did. And decided to scour his memory for anything on the matter.

Sun Tzu did have a few fun ones, like:

"Build your opponent a golden bridge too retreat across."

That one always made him think of his father's obsession with being wealthier than everyone else.

He is a terrible person.

Another one that reminds Techno of his father is this:

"The enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution. "

Should've listened to Mace, then maybe you wouldn't have to retreat on a bridge made of gold.

Focus Technoblade.

There's one.

"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will go into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons,  and they will stand by you even unto death."

His troops did not want to be regarded as kids. What Technoblade really wanted was a way to deal with the twins. Or at least confirmation that he did something right...

"Loyalty is the best; fear will work as a plan B."

That will work.


"That won't work."

"What? Why not?" Mace pointed to the map.

"The King spends most of his time in the top room of the bastion, or his quarters, but soon enough he'll go out to join his troops in battle, check up on them. On his way there we can surround him and his guards by splitting our troops into multiple parts and going on each side. Then we can kill him!"

"Do you honestly think that our armies are strong enough to handle being split apart?"

"I mean, probably."

"And whose going to command these troops, I can't go anywhere near the bastion, especially if this doesn't work, and your map here says you're dividing it into the armies."

"Uh, me and maybe the twins each get one."

"What? What if they turn on you?!"

"They won't do that! They're scared of us, after you put an arrow in Spark's arm!"

"Who says? Who says they're scared of us? Maybe they're just biding their time until they can turn on you without me there!"

"Way to be negitive, Red." Mace used the nickname that Techno really hated.

"That's not my name. And this is war, if you don't look on the negitive side how are you supposed to prepare for every outcome? Our army is not strong enough to handle being split into three, and when they are you'll have no communication between the three armies, that makes it much easier to sabotage if the twins wanted to."

Mace opened her mouth to retort when they both heard the pistons in the door retract. They stiffened, and waited for someone to speak.

"I-I'm sorry, is this a b-bad time?"

Techno relaxed and turned to face Shield.

"Nah, kid you're good."

Shield smiled and walked the rest of the way into the room.

Techno turned to Mace. Who no doubt, had some witty remark about shield's size on the tip of her tounge.

"Don't do it. It'll lead to our destruction." Techno pointed back to the map where she'd drawn her plans. Before starting towards the door.

"But it's a good plan right? At least on paper? He couldn't retreat then!"

Techno stopped. "If you'd known your own weakness, and your opponent's strength, you'd realize why it won't work."

Turning his back on Mace, Techno followed Shield out.

"So, what's up kid?"

"U-um I d-don't know? I-I g-guess I dragged you o-out for n-nothing."

"You don't usually stutter around me... Y'know you suck at lying right?"


"What's wrong?"

"The king said, and I quote, "we can also use this war to weed out the weak." And only an hour or so later... Was I told I would soon be sent to war."

He what?! Techno hasn't seen the man in years and he's still determined to ruin his life! Not to mention what he clearly said about Shield's strength. He didn't want Shield to leave, she was his friend...

"You're leaving?" Techno tried not to sound as heartbroken as he was. It didn't work.

"Yeah, I don't know what to do?! Will I even survive?!"

Will she survive? Probably. Techno's trained her to become this tiny but deadly warrior. But Techno didn't feel like that was enough. And that feeling was based off emotion, not rational thinking.

"I-I think so." Techno was very transparent in this moment, and he really hated it.

"I hope so. That isn't all. I don't want to leave you with those jerks, Techno. I'll miss you."

"Me too." Techno felt like a sail boat with no wind.

"I was thinking, that I'll just run away and then stick around here! Then we can see each other!"

"Kid, don't do that."

"Why not? I can survive on my own can't I?"

"Yes, but which is better? Surviving or thriving?"

"... Thriving."

Techno crouched down to her level.

"You'll only be drafted for so long, and you could learn a thing or two. This could be the chance for you to prove yourself. You have the opportunity, take it."

She nodded solemnly.

"That makes sense." She mumbled.

"Yeah, I wish it didn't." Techno sighed. "When you're finished, promise that you'll come visit me, okay?"

"... If I survive."

She didn't have as much confidence as Techno thought she would.

"Y'know how to use a crossbow?"

"Not really..."

"Then I'll teach you. Heck, I can teach you how to use a Shield."

She smiled at the coincidence.

"Okay, let's do that."

"Cool." Techno went towards to portal to get some crossbows.


"Yeah?" He turned back to Shield.

"I think you're a good sensei."

Techno's eyes lit up.


Techno: Mace, you won't do that right?

Mace: *internally* And I said no. Y'know, like a liar.

Chapter go brr. Now y'all get to be sad cuz Shield is leaving.

This probably has a lot of typos, I didn't check as many times as the last chapter.

Farewell Plerps!

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