Piglin Maturity : pt 2

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Techno felt defenceless with his wooden sword. It was cold and the fire went out. He couldn't light it again since he was out of wood. Phil and Wilbur had gone out, they needed more food. And the land was covered in a small blanket of snow, which prevented Techno from daring to go outside. The cold made him irritable. And he just wanted warmth. Where was Phil?!

Techno waited for Phil and Wilbur.

When Phil came in Techno's mind was very clouded. And this guy had the audacity to approach him without any gold.

Techno growled at Phil as he came through the door. Phil noticed and set everything down by the door.

"Wilbur, do you have the gold bracelet?"


"I think something bad happened that triggered his fight or flight."

"I'll go to my room then."

"Okay, that sounds smart."

Wilbur walked past and Techno glanced at the gold and looked away.

Wilbur sighed and walked past into his room.

"Techno, calm down. It's ok."

"No. Death." It was a low growl the Phil recognized it as the Piglin language.

"Techno, Please."

Techno grabbed his wooden sword and ran towards Phil who dodged by rolling to the side.

"Techno, calm down."

Techno ran at Phil again and he instinctively pulled out his sword and parried it. His netherite sword made a large cut into Technoblade's sword. But that didn't stop techno from trying.

Phil pushed techno off of him and went for a chest. Inside he found a gold ingot. It skid across the floor towards Technoblade.

Technoblade stared at it then at Philza. And he dropped his sword.

"Phil, I'm sorry, I didn't- it was so cold. I-"

Phil huffed from being out of breath, but smiled anyway.

"It's ok, Technoblade."

"It was cold, I didn't-"

"Cold?" What did that have to do with anything?

"I- yeah, cold. Cold is bad. Something is always wrong when it's cold."

"Oh, I didn't know that."

"Bad fire is cold."

"Bad fire?" Phil stood up and started up the fire again. Thank goodness he stopped to grab wood.

"Blue, it sucks the heat away. Is very bad."

Oh! That's why he hates the cold! It reminds him of soul fire! Phil knew how afraid of soul fire Piglins tend to be.

"That's called soul fire mate." Phil said as he went to put all the stuff her bought away. Techno walked over and sat down by the fire. Visably relaxing.

"Soul fire?"

"Yes, it's comes from lighting soul sand on fire."

"Soul sand is bad too."

Wilbur walked back into the room and was pleased to see that no one was hurt.

"Why is soul sand bad?" He asked, going to help Phil.

"Poor souls are trapped. And lonely. They try to suck people down with them. Yet they bury more souls in it."

"Is that why it slows you down?" Phil asked, trying to hide his shock and excitement for finally finding out why it did that.

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