The Blood Eyed Prince

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She had been waiting for a long time. And to think that she hadn't even known the first half of it.

Her duties had become greater since she was younger. Most of it included keeping any of her fellow squeakers calm. Assuring them that they weren't in danger when, she knew better than anyone that when the King was in charge, they were in a lot of danger.

She heard the mutterings of a madman. Or, that's what she thought it was at first. She was in the secret passage through the bastion. She was looking through the cracks in the walls. The muttering got louder and she realized it was another tongue. A flash of red went past her peephole before disappearing. She ran up the passage to follow it. When she got past the crown mural she heard an explosion. A small one, but she jumped out of her skin either way.

She wasn't sure if she was excited or terrified.

When she slipped out of the passage and into the royal library she heard the voice again. This time she could understand it, she ran over to the throne room and peeked in to see what was happening.

A strange man was standing in the middle of the throne room, in front of the King. The guards that were stationed around seemed to be shaking. Clearly he was the one who caused the explosion.

The strange man was wearing the most peculiar clothing. Unlike Royalty, which was black, or peasant clothing, which was a peach color, his clothing had several colors. Grey, white, and mainly red to name a few. That last one matched his eyes.

His eyes were scary. But it also meant that something amazing was about to happen. And she was ready for it. He was holding an crossbow with some strange red and white object inside.

"You can't do this, I'm the King! You're supposed to obey me!"

The man glared at the King with the most malice she had ever seen. "I'm not going to listen to you anymore. You're the one who hurt me! And the one hurting your people, and the one who's probably hurting that tiny princess, wherever she is."

The tiny princess lit up at that. He knew about her! She buzzed with excitement.

"This is an outrage!" Her father yelled, standing up. "You're weak! You can't do anything, Technoblade."

"Oh, I can do a lot," the man–or prince, as the scroll had said–responded. "I have weapons you could only dream of. And I'm going to use every one them. This is all your fault."

How was this father's fault?

"This isn't my fault, you're the one the gods hated! They wanted you dead!"

"You have a skewed way of looking at the world. Here, I'll help. In your attempt to stop this, you brought it into fruition. Everything that is about to happen is all your fault. Poetic, isn't it?"

"Is this any way to treat your family!? Destroying their empire? The empire you almost received?"

"I don't believe in family." The man said. She didn't know that was an option. "Not your definition of family."

The King gnashed his teeth and pulled out his axe. "This ends now," he said. It was a black axe, super strong, and super deadly.

The tiny princess worried that he'd be killed by her father, but the blood-eyed-prince didn't falter.

"Nope," he said, with a nonchalant manor. And with that, he pulled the trigger.

She winced as the thing from his crossbow exploded into colors she'd never seen before. They were big and bright and it distracted her from what happened for a good few seconds.

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