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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Writing go brr.

"You what?!"

"Hey, I didn't even tell you what the comprise was!"

"I barely care at this point." Techno sighed. "Okay, what did you do."

"They wanted to... Okay, so basically they wanted, well okay so-"

"Stop stalling Mace."

"Okay okay." She took a deep breath and continued. "They wanted to see if we could find a way around this. To, y'know stop him from making bad decisions without actually killing him."

Techno was so done with everything she was saying. Not kill him? NOT KILL HIM?! Techno wanted him dead. He had caused so much pain to Techno and others too, he was- well, he was hoping this would be what destroyed the soul kingdom. Because that lead to anarchy. And as far as Techno was concerned, anarchy wasn't so bad.

"So we agreed, that I would talk to the king, and if he refused to stop, then we would go back to our original plan."

Okay, that was better... Who was he kidding that plan sucked. Go talk to the king? What was she going to do? What was she going to say? "Hi your highness, I hate you and want you dead because you started a war we can't fight. You'll stop? kay thanks!" Or if he said no, then what would happen? "You won't? Oh. That sucks. I'll probably be put to death now and now you know that we're trying to kill you." What kind of stupid plan was this?!

Mace could see the look on his face and couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

Techno voiced his thoughts, albeit more tactfully.

"No, I'm going to go the the king and sweet talk him out of it. I won't say that we're trying to kill him, just that we're not happy. If he actually calms down I'll tell him that he's so great at appeasing people. Y'know, to throw him off from the idea that we're unhappy. He has a big ego, he'll take the bait."

"This isn't going to work."

"And Why not?"

"Because- it just won't okay?! He's not that dumb. He'll catch on. I don't know how we'll be able to do anything like this. He won't concede, or he will and it won't last- this is a terrible idea!"

Mace frowned.

"Well guess what Techno? Maybe I'm just sick of your pessimistic attitude! Because y'know what?! We are in a war! We are fighting for our lives! Thousands of Piglins are leaving their rooms with the knowledge that they'll probably never come back! And we are their only hope of survival! There's no way we'll be able to do anything if we don't take any risks! I'm taking this risk because I believe that the twins can help, they might be our only hope. We only have one chance and I'm not having it thrown away because we didn't give it our all. And another thing Techno, you're not in charge. I am. You're second in Command, I'm first."

"Fine! Do what you want, but don't expect any help from me when this inevitably comes crashing down on all of us! Enjoy your rebellion." Techno turned around and stormed off.

"Stupid Piglin girl. This is honestly sad." He said in English as he walked out of the tunnel and to the portal. We was going home. It was early morning, and Techno had already announced his entrance with a door slam.


Phil was in the living room. He had just woken up and wondered if anyone was awake. Techno was probably in the Nether. The younger ones were still asleep. And he had no clue where Wilbur was. That was when he noticed the thin sheet of paper sitting on the table, with a quill next to it.

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