Sapitus Napitus

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I'm cramming in one more chapter before school, Merry Christmas!

Wilbur hadn't anticipated the reaction to Tommy's absence. Apparently he'd been going to other popular friend groups too, he'd just started with Wilbur's.

The kid was smarter than he gave him credit for.

That week at school, someone new came to him after lunch. He had a colorful jacket and a generally pleasant atmosphere.

"Hello? Do I know you?"

"I don't think so, I'm Karl, a friend of Quackity, he said that Tommy kid was your brother right?"


"Is he coming back? I wanted to meet him personally."

"Oh, uh maybe? I'll see what I can do."

This was the first of many times that happened. Wilbur was practically famous for being Tommy's brother. It was strange.

Wilbur decided not to do what he normally would, which is jump to emotional based conclusions and mess everything up, but to stop and think. So he did.

And then, before Tommy came back, he started telling anyone who asked, to meet him where his friends met up after school on the day he would return, if they wanted to see him.

Tommy was odviously not prepared for this much attention, so Wilbur stole some of it while Tommy was processing, he actually got some attention that way. He was almost on his way to the famous part of school, himself.

Tommy did all the bits and gags and idiotic things in front of people twice his age with no problems, and Wilbur made fun of him, and Tommy yelled in response, they made quite the duo, just like he and Tubbo had at Phil's wedding reception, and Sapnap was there, he must've found out via Karl.

Tommy clearly didn't know what that meant, but Wilbur did.

Sooner or later they had to leave.

"Why'd you do that? I thought you didn't like me being there." Tommy asked, clearly confused.

Wilbur shrugged in response. They talked as they walked home together again.

"People wanted more TommyInnit, and you wanted the limelight, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Your plan is amazing, you deserve success. Even if it's just a bit."

"I don't really know that it's working. I had a good time but-"

"I think it is. You did all that crap in front of Sapnap."


"That's the kid you told to jump off a bridge." Wilbur deadpanned.

"Oh. Why is he important?"

"He knows Dream, and you seem to have made your terrible first impression on him. Which is good, by the way."

"Dream? Why Dream?"

"Y'know how you're the most popular kid of your school? And you have the crowds part for you like the red sea?"

"You're exaggerating."

"I'm really not. Dream is the highschool version of you. And he's set for life."

"What do you mean?"

"He's really good at PvP, almost better than Techno."


"True, but he's popular, and experienced, he's going to be the guy every high paying employer is jealous of. Jobs, Tommy."

"Jobs are boring."

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