No Piglin for you

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Sorry About this chapter coming out so late. (Late for my timezone at least) three days ago a bone in my ankle went out so these past few days have been kind of agony. (I got the bone back in don't worry.)

"Well, I counter your guards with... Uh the Queen?!"

"The what?" Techno asked.

"Y'know, the female ruler, like the king?"

Techno cocked his head.

"Like, the person Who rules by his side."


"And they have a crown."

"... Oh. OH. OH THEM!"

Wilbur would've been lying if he said he expected that reaction.

"Okay I get it. Why did you choose that?"

"I chose the Queen cuz she's like the one in chess. And the one in chess is just so overpowered."

Wilbur placed the white Queen from Phil's chess set on the floor in front of his army.

"She's too good. Can't use her."

"Yes I can, it's not in the rules."

"We barely have any rules."

"Well you should've thought about that when we made 'em Techno."


Technoblade grabbed the other Queen from the chess set and gave it a tiny diamond sword.

"My q-queen has a sword." Techno said, figuring out the prononciation.

"What?! That's not fair!"

"All is fair in love and war."

"My queen needs a weapon! But you've been hogging all the swords!"

"Haven't been hoggin' them all, my army sieged the weapon market. There's a difference."

"You fu****g cut off my supply line you cu**!"

"Wilbur! Language!"

"No you, Dadza!"

Phil sighed. And focused back on the book he was reading before he was distracted by their bickering.

Normally he'd be working on an overpowered farm on a day like this. The snow was starting to melt. And Techno wasn't freaking out since he was sleeping with wilbur. (Who was weirded out by the Piglin cuddling at first.) Phil was on top of his game when it came to being a good parent and maintaining his own needs.

Well, almost.

Will needed school. He needed an education. Phil felt bad that he hadn't gotten one yet. Phil wasn't sure that he could read very well.
He'd been looking into schools nearby that he actually trusted with his son. Unfortunately, most were too demanding or too expensive for Phil. He sighed. He didn't want the main one that was in the town because will had been in an orphanage nearby and he wanted Wilbur to have a fresh start. But soon that was his only option. He wasn't sure how to explain it to Wilbur.


"We're not even playing chess!!!" Will shouted.

"I mean, we kinda are. Two sides, trying to outsmart each other, and we have chess peices."

"Yes, but it's not, it's not actually chess."

"Wilbur, can you come in here?"

"Uh, okay?"

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