Lonely Revolution

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Phil had never seen Techno so scared in his life. It was worrying. Anything that could scare Technoblade was definitely something to be feared.

He had done that thing he always does. When he needs to talk about something important. He does it at night when it's darker.

Techno was fidgeting. Like, a lot. Techno had asked to talk to Phil, but now that Phil was sitting on his bed, he seemed to have changed his mind.

Whatever was happening, worried Phil.

"Techno," Phil put a hand on Techno's shoulder. He flinched.

"You can relax, I'm not going to hurt you. No matter what you're about to tell me."

Techno looked away. "I-I don't know- ... I just don't want you to hate me."


"Techno there is nothing you could possibly do that would make me hate you. You're my son! I'd be a pretty sh***y dad if I did something like that."

Techno took a deep breath, before pulling a drawer on his desk open and taking something out.

It took a moment for Phil to figure out what he was looking at.

It was a scroll, it looked very old. Techno set it down in front of them on the bed and started unrolling it. It had the same chicken scratch that he'd seen in textbooks. But he knew it actually meant something.

This wasn't what he expected when Techno looked like he'd seen a ghost. Phil kinda thought he'd killed a child by accident or something. This was better... Probably.

"I don't know what this is Techno, you're going to need to explain."

"Y-Y'know the whole Oracle thing?"

"Yes?" Phil has absolutely no idea where he was going with this.

"And that he prophesies things, right?"


"Well, he's a pretty big deal- in the bastion I'm from, all of the prophecies are written down when they're first given. And this is one of them." Techno pointed to the scroll.

"So this," Phil pointed to the scroll, "is a prophecy, given by a Piglin god, like a hundred years ago?"

"This one's only about 40-years-old actually." Phil couldn't get over the hushed tone Techno had. It was as if Techno thought if he said the wrong word, he'd be thrown out. Which was utterly ridiculous.

"Okay, what does it say?"

Techno was shaking like a leaf.

He took a deep breath.

"T-The Prince with Eyes as Red as Blood will Destroy the Kingdom."

It was dead silent.

"... What???"

"Please use your brain, Phil."

Phil looked down at the scroll, then back up at Techno.


"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up, someone will hear you!" Techno hissed.

"Wh- uh- i- uh is this why you liked that crown so much- do Piglins even use crowns?"

"Use? No, not really. But we do have them."

"O-okay..?" Phil looked down at the scroll again. The implications of Techno being royalty were... Wow.

"Is this what you meant when you said that you had good schooling, and High-class parents, literal royalty!?"


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