imma start stabbing

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Wilbur showed up in the alley as usual and saw Tommy waiting for him.

They'd been doing this for about two weeks and Phil hadn't said anything. Wilbur was still the dirty crime boy at heart apparently. Tommy had gotten used to Wilbur showing up with food. Like a dad! Well, not really. Tommy didn't see him as a dad. More like a brother. He was like a brother! Tommy smiled at the thought of having big brother Wilbur.

"Hey Tommy." Wilbur sat down in the alley.

"Hello Wilby."

Wilbur chuckled.

"You hungry?"


Wilbur took out a bowl of vegetables and meat from dinner. He handed it to Tommy, who took it and immediately started eating the meat out of the bowl.

Will smiled. Tommy's little alley had gotten much nicer since Wilbur had first shown up. His little bed was only a few rags where as now it was more similar to a sleeping bag. He was also a lot cleaner since will had cleaned him up that third day. The only thing that hadn't really changed was his tiny blanket. He always had it around his shoulders or was holding it. Now it was in his lap. It was given to him by his mom, and he refused to part with it for more than five minutes. (Which made the cleaning even more difficult. If that was possible.)

"Y'know Tommy, you should really get an actual home." Wilbur prepared to say what had been on his mind.

"This is my home."

"Yes, but an actual house."

Tommy cocked his head.

"Like with a real bed and a table and rooms. You know, a building."

"...Don't have one of those Wilby."

Tommy set down his bowl, which he had picked out only the meat.

"Eat your veggies Tommy."

"I don't wanna."



Tommy picked the bowl back up and ate the vegetables grumpily.

"I was saying, that maybe you could, stay at my house. So you could have a real bed and stuff. Yeah?"


"No? W-why not?"

"Mama said stay here. I'm staying until she gets back."


Wilbur went silent.

It had been a weird idea that popped into Will's head. He didn't really understand why he was so attached to the rambunctious little guy. But it had popped in his head and he couldn't let the idea of it go. He didn't even tell Phil before he had asked. His heart was set on the idea either way.

The conversation sat there for a few minutes. Until tommy set down an empty bowl.

"Wilby, where is Mama?"

"Uhh," Wilbur sighed.

"I don't know."

"She didn't leave cuz of me, did she?"

"What? Of course not! She loved you."

"Mama said that she'd get something cool for me. But I think she was the coolest."

"Yeah, she sounds amazing."

"She was a good Mama. Just like you're a good brother."


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