Huggy Piggy

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Techno didn't care that Phil didn't want him to have netherite weapons. He was going to distribute them out anyways. He just had to figure out how to make them. So, where do you go for information? The library. The problem with that is... Well Phil has been a bit overprotective lately, Wilbur hasn't been allowed to go anywhere other than school, and the forest for a few weeks now. Hence the tantrums he's been throwing. And if Techno wasn't a Piglin he wouldn't be allowed into the nether either. So the same rules apply. Of course, stealth is a thing...

And that's why Techno snuck out.

He waited for Phil to get home, which was about 12:30. Once Phil went to sleep, he would be out for a while. He snuck out with a diamond sword. He figured that he should have protection, even if it wasn't netherite yet.

Techno snuck out of the house and into the library.

Hmm. Well, he has gold, because of all the mining for diamonds and stumbling upon gold. He didn't have to take it but it was shiny and he wanted it. He also needed more ancient debris, but he could make a few. Though he'd never seen a smithing table, but he was positive phil had one somewhere.

Phil did have a smithing table, it was in the attic. Techno was able to make four of his diamond swords into netherite before dawn hit.

He gave one to Wilbur, because he's had the worst of Phil's overprotection, and he wanted to spite Phil for not teaching Techno himself.

Before he could hear anything of it, he piled his netherite swords behind his desk. And went off into the nether, with one for for him and one for Shield.

Shield was waiting for him in the Nether, he had promised to help her out with Nether survival.

"Hello Technoblade!" She waved excitedly.

"Hallo. Are you ready?"

"I'm actually a bit nervous about it." She responded.

"That's okay, I got you some motivation."


Techno pulled out the sword he made for shield. He's going to give her the sword either way, but motivation is good. Also the idea of earning something is a good confidence boost.

"If you do a good job today, you can keep this."

"It's so pretty! Like shiny Blackstone! Did we really get that much ancient debris?"

"No, it's has the netherite on the edge, the inside is actually diamond."

"I don't know what that is but okay." Techno handed her the sword and she slid it into her belt.

Techno planned on showing her how to survive in the Nether on her own. He wouldn't help her until he knew that she couldn't make it. They went off into the Nether, in the outside direction of the bastion. She did pretty well against the few skeletons that they saw, and once he weakened the magma cube, she was able to kill it.


Phil was angry to say the least. He had found out that Techno had completely ignored Phil and made a bunch of netherite swords. And Wilbur was especially cocky because that morning Techno had left him one. One that Phil couldn't get to since Will had put it in an ender chest. After this devolopment he wasn't suprised to see that the culprit had left the house. He found some more netherite swords and decided that he had to go find Techno and talk to him.

He probably went to the nether. So that's where Phil searched first. Without any kids to chaperone, it was much faster to fly though it. And his frequent visits to Kristin probably helped too.

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