Mumza's Great Adventure

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I got wrist braces to help, and so far, they reduce the pain to almost nothing, and have put some things back in place. yey.

Kristin walked around the house making sure they had armor and everything. For whatever reason. She even let Techno take his netherite sword. Which was a good change from him getting his weapons confiscated every morning before school.

She wrote a quick note and left it on the table. Techno got a quick glance at it.

"Phil, Technoblade and I went out for a good mother-son time.

Love, Kristin <3"

"I'm not your son." Techno monotoned as they left the house.

If Kristin was hurt, she didn't show it.

They didn't go into the city like Techno thought they would, instead they treded the edge of the forest.

"Where are we going?" Techno finally asked.

"Do you know why this town was founded?" Kristin asked.

"Uh, no. And frankly I don't care."

"Well it's because this place is special, it was founded 872 years ago,"

"I really don't care-"

"And this place was the ideal choice because of the landscape."

"I do not care, Kristin."

"Is there anything you've noticed about this town Technoblade?"

"How about the fact that it has really boring history only you could possibly care about."

"This town is on the corner of many different biomes. Mountains tower over this place, while the town itself is in an acacia biome, but right to the left, where the house is, is in a dark oak forest. What do you think is past the forest?"

"This could be anything? I dunno, a plains biome? A flower forest, then a plains biome?"

"Try thinking a bit more exotic and rare."

"A desert right smack dab in the middle of a tundra." Techno deadpanned.

Kristin giggled, "Okay, not that exotic."


The sun began to set right before they exited the forest, Techno noticed the strange smell. He didn't acknowledge it, however. When they got past the tree line, Techno saw a thin coast before a large ocean expanse. The sun was setting behind them and it reflected against the water. The floor below it didn't slope for very long, it quickly dropped of into the ocean. It was nice, but all Techno said was a small,

"Huh..." But to be fair there wasn't much to do at a beach.

"This spot on the coast is special too, if I remember correctly, there's she ocean ruins at the bottom of the drop off right here."

"Wait- ocean ruins? So, drowned and treasure chests?" Okay, that was cool.

"Yup!" Kristin was having a good time. And much to Techno's annoyance; Kristin got the look on her face that everyone got when they could tell what he was thinking or feeling. Sight pride and arrogance, and excitement on her face.

Techno ignored the look, (it was best no one knew he could tell) and waded into the water, he stopped at a good point and stared down into the ocean ruin.

The thing was nearly impossible to see in the dark waters, but he could hear gurgling sounds coming from the monsters that clustered around the area, once Human, but it was so long ago.

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