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How are y'all doing today? I hope you're doing good!

Wilbur heard about the idea of keeping Tommy around. That was baffling since him being around set everything in motion to make Techno retreat to the Nether in the first place. But he supposed that they must've bonded in the Nether or something. Which seemed unlike Techno but Wilbur would take what he could get.

He did feel a little bad however. About Tommy's mom. They still didn't know where she was and it would be cruel to leave her in the dark if she was ever to return. Which was unlikely. So, while Phil was clearing out the storage room next to his bedroom for Tommy, Wilbur took out a paper and quill. Before asking Tommy something.

"Tommy, do you know your mother's name?"

"Huh? Mama?"

"Yeah, what was her real name?"


Sometimes Tommy was annoyingly young. If only he had been a few years older. Actually scratch that. He was ALWAYS annoyingly young.

"When your mom talked to new people, what did she say her name was?"

"She doesn't like people."

"She talked to some people right? What did they call her?"

"Uh, Poki, with an I. Is what she says."

"Huh, you're sure?"


Okay, Wilbur started writing.

"Dear, Poki (that's what Tommy claims your name is)

Your son is safe. He is staying with us, if you're reading this then go to this address, we promise that he is safe."

Wilbur put the address in the note.

He sighed. Then stood up. He told Tommy that if Phil asks where he went, just say "out".

He went all the way over to the old alleyway. Not much had changed, except for the fact that Tommy's cocoon of blankets had been Blown away.

Wilbur looked around for something to use to hold the note. In case of wind. And found a large rock. Wilbur placed the note under the rock over near Tommy's blankets used to be.

Satisfied, went back home.

Phil managed to move all the chests over to another room and had an open room to work with now. It was cosy and warm and next to Phil's door in case he needed anything. Tommy still slept with Wilbur that night but the next night Phil had gotten a bed in his room.

Tommy was scared to. He didn't want to sleep alone. He had never done it before Mama left. That was scary. What if it was scary this time?

Wilbur found Tommy looking at his new room from the doorway.


"Wilby, I don't want to sleep alone. It was scary last time I tried."

"Oh. Well, what if I stay with you? Until you fall asleep, this first night?"

"Mmm, yeah that's good."

"Okay, let's get in bed then." Wilbur led Tommy into the room and placed him in his bed. He got all comfortable under the covers, while Wilbur sat on a small stool in the corner.

"Goodnight Wilby."

"Goodnight Tommy."

Tommy fell asleep pretty fast with Will in the room.


Phil wasn't sleepy, he was curious. He'd asked Techno how he'd found Tommy and he stiffened. Saying that he'd tell him another time.

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