Click Boom.

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Every so often I realize how crazy I am with this story because I have the next twenty (canonical) years planned out, and it's all in these two huge Google docs, and those are only notes to help me remember what I plan on doing in those twenty years. So... If you thought this was anywhere near over, you're dead wrong. There's a slight possibility that this will get a sequel only because I reached the limit Wattpad allows on story parts and wasn't actually done yet.

Techno walked though the portal only to see Shield leaning against the frame.

"Uh, isn't there a meeting starting? Why aren't you there to take minutes?"

"An argument that starts before the Second even arrives is hardly a meeting."

"Oh no."

"You better get in there, I swear you're the only one with common sense."

"Are you coming?"

"No, my ears are shot."

"Fair enough."

Techno arrived in the room only to see everyone shouting at everyone else.

"This better be good." He muttered.

After a few minutes of failing to get their attention, he pulls what we call: the TommyInnit.

He takes a deep breath and screams as loud and high as possible.

That made them shut up. They probably weren't accustomed to noises that loud like Techno was.

"Okay. What happened?"

They all stood frozen for a moment, then Mace finally got the courage to speak.

"Okay, so you remember that compromise?"

"Don't sugarcoat it." Techno said with little hesitation. She always opened like that when she was going to sugarcoat. Mace was probably the only one who knew that phrase.

"Okay! Okay, you know that the king actually listened right? Well, for a while he listened to me. It's been going downhill lately. He's sinking back into how he was before."

"Old habits die hard." Spark said.

"And that's why we wanted to go back to our original plan. But they," Mace pointed to The Twins, "don't agree." She scoffed.

"It's not just us." Scythe said annoyed. "Plenty of us agreed that there's no reason to kill the guy."

"So? Just hold a vote?" Techno felt like he was babysitting toddlers. "What's with the yelling?"

"T-that's not the only reason they're s-shouting." Shield walked into the room and took her place at the table.

"They exposed us." She said.

"That's an exaggeration, Sweetheart." Scythe said, making her cringe and stand a little closer to Techno.

"All that happened was one of the guards asked if there was any controversy between the King and his subjects and we told him what he wanted to know."

"And what did you say exactly?"

"That a lotta guys wanted him dead." Spark shrugged.

They had to be kidding. They had to be kidding!

Techno gripped the table tightly.

"So you gave away our position." He said through gritted teeth.

"Not completely, relax." Scythe said.

"Are you crazy?! That information was probably taken to the king himself, you've put everyone in this room, and everyone they know at risk! He's going to try and find who wants to kill him!"

Scythe and Spark looked to each other, before going back to Techno.

"What harm could that do?"

"You don't even know." Techno responded. His voice deep, and laced with aggression.

"I mean, he's not that bad. And we don't really care for this operation much, which you all knew, when we joined! So I don't see how this is our fault." Scythe's logic was increasingly frustrating.

"But you have to see that this has repercussions!"

"Not for us it doesn't." Spark spoke up. "We do not care."

"There are repercussions! There are consequences! Punishment! Y'know what? Here's your punishment."

Techno pulled out his crossbow and shot Spark in the upper arm.

Spark was knocked backwards into Scythe; who immediately was able to catch him.

"Did you just shoot him!?"


Scythe's panic was evident on his face, even though he said nothing after that.

Scythe set him down against the wall of the small chamber, he saw Spark pass out. Naturally he freaked out even further, and ripped a peice of his clothing to use as a bandage.  Pulling out the arrow, he wrapped him up quickly. Before he looked back to the arrow. He narrowed his eyes at it accusingly.

"What is on that thing?" Scythe growled.

"Poison. But you're The Power Twins, you can handle a little poison right?" Techno was not reacting to anything other than with slight cockiness.

"What was that for?" Scythe pulled out a shiny netherite sword, made just for him.

"Do you like the King?" Techno questioned.

"I like spark more."

"That's not what I asked." Techno folded his arms.

"... Yes."

"Do you agree with what he's doing currently?"

"Not really."

"Then you understand that he will not be doing anyone any good until he is dethroned."

"Get to the point kid."

"Unless you want to burn at the hands of an army of blazes, and a goddess! Then you need to stuck it up! Those blazes won't care what your political opinions are, they will only kill! Until you realize that, then everytime I think you need to be punished, be prepared to get an arrow. An insensitive to be good. Understand?"

Scythe only glared.


"Fine." Scythe grumbled, looking away.

"Good. Mace, hold a vote for who wants to go against the king. And get spark some real bandages."

"On it." She snapped out of her state of bewilderment.

"Cool. I'm out. I didn't come here to take care of little kids."

Techno turned around and left, showing no one the exhaustion that he felt. He didn't like the stares of the others. He knew why they were suprised, he'd basically challenged the Twins and then he's managed to get them to submit, but still. It was a bit unnerving.


Fun fact: The pirate Blackbeard was told that reputation was everything, so he went out of his way to seem like the scariest pirate alive. Some of the things he did was light his beard on fire during battle, and one time he randomly shot his crewmate in the leg. For no reason other than so that story got around his ship.

He also basically threw a party that got the cops called. :)

Farewell Plerps!

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