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Haha, I've totally been working on this and not the other fic I have, and haven't published yet that's a lot darker and requires more planning.


"Okay, I know this was bad, but I think we still have an opening, he has to come back at some point so I say we-" Techno noticed that they were all backing away, but they were just stressed after the last battle. He went along with explaining.

"What are you doing?" Pike asked, with a hint of animosity in his voice.

"I'm trying to help us win."

"I mean, sure, Mace was an idiot when it comes to battle strategies but what makes you think we'll trust you?"

"I... I don't know, but I need you to trust me I think I figured it out-"

"No no no, Technoblade, we will not be taking orders from some Piglin, who appeared out of nowhere, with strange clothing, a strange accent and red eyes! Do you think we're stupid." Pike's words became sharp like knives.

"N-No, I just-"

"We don't trust you, face it. We're not coming to this dumb room of yours to play pretend with real lives, okay?! Get over it." Like a knife to the back. Techno gripped the table tightly.

"Oh wow, really cool, coming from a clout chaser." Techno growled back.

"From a what now?" Pike asked.

"You chase power and have no real loyalty."

"That may be true, but he's telling you the truth, red." Scythe said, defending Pike.

"Do not call me that."

"We're not going to be a part of this pitiful display anymore. And neither is anyone else. We're leaving. We're ALL leaving." Spark joined in.

And then they all filed out of the room, following the twins orders.


Technoblade awoke from another dream about them.

Them and their betrayal.


TommyInnit was the worst.

He was so freaking annoying and obnoxious and loud.

Wilbur hated him.

Wilbur sighed.

No... He didn't hate him. He was just frustrated that Tommy bounced his way into his school friend group.

Wilbur couldn't decide whether to be proud, or furious that Tommy had made such a good first impression.

Well, not good first impression. It was an awful one. Like really, really awful. But his friends thought that he was really funny, because of the horrible-ness of his first impression.

Now, as soon as he got out of elementary school, he runs over to the high school to hang out with Wilbur's school friends.


TommyInnit was a social butterfly.

He was practically famous in his school.

Everyone knew his name, he was popular, he had his little friend group, Tubbo, Jack, Drista, this other girl named Lani, (who they've started calling "Tubbo's sister" because they're so alike) Purpled, there's more kids in that group but Wilbur didn't bother to remember them after that.

Tommy wasn't even the oldest, but the older kids treated him as their superior, by the tiniest bit.

How do you even accomplish that?!

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