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Tiny chapter. Oops... No I'm not sorry.

Wilbur met Charlie at the gates of the school, they had a good weekend and we're both talking about it.

"Dude, Tommy is a maniac. He's been trying to follow me and Techno when we're sparing, I'm worried I'm gonna kill the kid by accident."

"Dude, if I randomly brought home a little kid my mom would flip." Charlie took a bite out of the bell pepper he'd been eating.

"Well, your mom has to deal with you all the time. You and your vegetable addiction."

"It's not an addiction!"

"You're currently eating a bell pepper!"

"Hey, something about the taste just rings a bell okay."

"That was terrible."

Just then the principal called in all the students.

"I'll slime ya later man."

"See you later Charlie."

Wilbur went into class and was surprised to find that the was a substitute teacher. Which meant one of two things. One, this day is going to be horribly easy, or two, this day was going to be horribly difficult. It depends on what the sub is like. Wilbur sighed internally and sat down.

The sub had a black suit and a yellow tie. Brown hair and a stubble. He seemed generally not dull, but that was the most Wilbur could get from just his appearance. His name was written on the chalkboard.

He was sitting in the desk chair reading something, if Wilbur had to guess, it was the lesson plan for the day. History would've been so fun if it weren't for the monotone teacher who made them memorize dates and stuff. Nothing's more of a buzz kill then memorizing dates instead of learning stories.

Soon everyone had arrived in class, which included Dream and they got started.

"Okay class, it shouldn't come as a suprise to you, but I'm not your teacher. She's sick and I will be taking her place today."

His voice wasn't too deep. Wilbur wasn't impressed. Not yet.

"Uh, I used to be an adventurer, hardcore to be exact and the lesson plan is dull so we're going to be talking about the different types of hostile mobs. I'm sure there's history in there somewhere."

Wait really?!

Wilbur raised his hand immediately.

"Uh, yes?"

"How long did you last?"

"I lasted about 43 days, so a month and a half without respawning."

A small whisper went though the class.

"My dad lasted five years!"

A louder whisper went though the class.

"Five years?"


"... Who's your dad?"

"Philza Minecraft."

"Oh wow, yeah don't tell him I'm an adventurer. That's embarrassing."

"No promises."

"Okay Well, does your dad know a lot about mobs?"


"So, were going to learn about then okay everyone?"

Nice transition.

The sub went though each hostile mob and what they did, skeletons shoot you, Creepers explode, Endermen teleport. All of this was common knowledge. But over time he got to more complicated mobs. Witches, slimes, dolphins, the different birds, then he talked about the nether. He explained what the nether is like, and went into mobs. He started with magma cubes, then went to striders. Then to Piglins.

"Piglins are interesting. They stand upright and are good at fighting, like humans, except they're pigs. They will attack you unless you're wearing gold."

"Well everyone knows that! Get to the good bit!" Dream shouted from the other half of the classroom.

"Oh, I-I don't know much more than that. Uh, they work together to fight Hoglins."

"That's it? That's all you got?"


"Give the guy a break Dream. Besides, you can't say anything when I know more than you about Piglins." Wilbur piped up.

"I've done my research! I think I know more."

"I literally live with one! What kind of argument is this?"

"Name one thing that most people don't know about Piglins."

"They have their own Language."

"Can you say anything?"

"Well, no. But Phil can! And of course Techno can too."

"Okay, well I know that Piglins are afraid of soul fire."

"Everyone knows that. I can tell you that Piglins have monarchs."

"Piglins reach adulthood faster than Humans."


"When you both are 17, Techno will be the equivalent of a 20 year old."

"Aww man."

Dream laughed.

"Okay your turn."

Wilbur thought for a moment.

"Piglins have really good muscle memory. It's why they're so good at fighting."

There was a loud thump outside the classroom door.

"Okay well..." Dream stopped. "Oh, I have one, deep in Piglin bastions, there are rooms that hold mushrooms." Dream smiled behind his mask.

"Piglins get to go on mini epic quests when they turn nine years old."

"Wait really? Did Techno get one?"

"Uh, he got a tiny one."


"Also," Wilbur kept going. "Since there's no sun in the Nether, Piglins keep track of time using mushrooms. They glow during nighttime, and the amount of mushrooms that can be harvested reduces once a year."

"Wait, the nether has a winter?"


"How do you know this?" Dream asked.

"Techno told me."

"Okay and how does techno know this if he left the nether at like 6 years old."

"Piglins have good memory."

"Right. And I guess we can add this to the chain of Piglin facts?" Dream asked sarcastically.

"Actually, I've supplied the last three facts, with no rebuttal from you, so I think that means I win."


The class muttered in agreement.

"Well, that was interesting." The substitute finally spoke again.


The end of class was pretty soon after the whole thing, (the teacher let them out a little earlier) and honestly both Wilbur and Dream had fun. When class ended, Will was the first out of the classroom. And it's a good thing too. Because when he got out of the classroom, he saw a pair of glasses on the floor.

Charlie's glasses.

And they were cracked.


AHAHAHAHA!! You thought this was going to be a fun little peek into Wilbur's school days?! You were wrong!! I woke up and chose violence!!!

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