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Arielle's pov...
The rain droplets raced each other down the windows and became one. I didn't know where we were, but what I knew is that we were further from where we started. It had started raining about half an hour ago, and it still hadn't seemed to stop. When we were at the gas station, the gas station... I-it was nice and sunny there. I just wanted to go home, real home, with my mum and dad, but I couldn't, because they were dead. Wow, okay, no euphemisms at all, I had well and truly lost myself.

I take my head off of the window and lean in towards the radio to pick a station to listen to and proceed to put my head onto the window and look at the cars passing by. Before I could look at anything else my full attention was drawn to what the radio was playing, a classical bop which sounded terrible and I couldn't help but smile.

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen you smile the whole time we have been in the car." Morcar remarks. I guess he is right, I have been pretty miserable today. But I had an excuse to be. I hate feeling like this, it felt horrible. It was like when you walk into the wrong classroom on the first day of your new school and everyone watches you get up and walk out with your head held down in embarrassment.

"How long now?" I looked at Morcar, but he didn't look at me back. D-did he hear me or was I just not speaking loud enough? Ugh, here it goes. "Morcar," I say slightly louder this time and he looks at me then quickly looks back to the road.

"What is it?" He questioned. He had that calming, sympathetic tone to his voice, that made my whole body cringe. It isn't that I don't like his voice, it's just that I didn't want his sympathy. My parents are dead and I have no living family that I know of so what does it matter anyway. I already told myself all these years I hated my mother for sending us both away to Mortinger, but I never truly did. I was just holding a long time grudge against her for sending me away. Have I been talking to myself in my head for too long? Did I even repeat the question I asked Morcar?

"How long until we are there?"

"Take a look for yourself," Morcar pointed out of the window and signalled at the docs. The docs! I could see them in the distance. Morcar indicates and pulls the car up onto the side of the road. What was he doing? Why didn't he just drive straight to the docs, I'm sure he could just park the car right in front of the boat, I mean, we're not coming back anyway. "There is something that Coraline and I have to tell you."

"Oh my god, what have you guys done? What did you do?" I swear to god if they have done something to ruin our plan I am going to go crazy. I just wanted to go home, and if we didn't cross the boat then we wouldn't be able to get through the portal on the other side. I just want to go home.

"We-what no, we didn't do anything. When I was in the shop Morcar walked in to ask me what I was doing and the shop owner told us that the Mortinger police and security were looking for two girls and one boy, and we know that the people they are looking for is us because they said that one of the girls was the child of Bell- oh I'm sorry." Coraline said. I regard her.

"So? That's in Mortinger, so why does it even matter?" Surely we were quite far away from there by now, right? Morcar and Coraline shared a look before looking back at me. Morcar put his hand on my thigh and sighed.

"They have set a reward on us, but they don't exactly know what we all look like. So, I was thinking you and Coraline go on without me and-"

"Say sike right now." I looked him in the eye and he couldn't look at me. "Morcar. Look at me right now and tell me you are joking." He still wouldn't look at me, he is crying. "No. NO. You do not get to cry." I got out of the car and slammed the door so hard I thought it was going to come off the car. Morcar quickly followed by opening his door and coming to stand next to me.

The world that I cryWhere stories live. Discover now