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I wake up on a ground covered in nothing but dirt, dirt and... more dirt. Where am I? Where are Morcar and Coraline? I look up to not see Greensville, but to see the top of the volcano. What is going on? Did the portal close? Did they leave without me?

"What is your presence here child?" I turn around to see a woman lurking in the shadows. I get up before she can get any closer and back away. "I wont hurt you child, what are you doing here?" Her voice was soothing, angelic almost, it is beautiful.

"Why are you hiding in the shadows?" I squint over to her as she starts to move her feet. Wow, her complexion is as beautiful as her voice. She wore a silky white gown that fell down to the floor so you couldn't see her shoes. Her blonde hair hung just below her shoulders, it's  extremely wavy. "Woah." I look at her in awe, she look like an angel, a goddess even.

"You are here for a reason, do you know why?" 

"No- no I don't, I was travelling through a portal and-"

"We need to talk about your special ability." She interrupted me. What is she talking about? I knew my ability, healing.

"But I already know my ability, healing." The woman looks at me and chuckles lightly.

"No darling, that is not your speciality. You are very advanced at healing, but it is not what you were assigned."

"But how is that possible? I have been told my whole life that I was born to heal- so what are you saying?"

"You power is not healing, it's-"She came up to me and put her hand on my cheek. Her hand is so soft on my skin, it felt like she had dipped it in a tub of lotion. "You're not an evil child you know, Arielle. That tattoo that you have doesn't symbolise evil, it just means power. You are a very powerful girl you know." I am starting to get slightly impatient at this point, I just want to know what she is talking about.

"With all do respect lady, I don't have all day, so could we skip the talk and tell me what my 'ability' is?"

"Soon enough child, you will find your true power, you just have to challenge it. You will need it very soon, take my word for it."

"If you told me maybe I could-"

"It happens when you need it most, just because you find out your power, it doesn't mean you will have access to it." 


"Quill, my love, take her back, she is ready." I look over to the other side of the volcano to see a child-like figure walking towards me. This one looks the exact opposite to her. He has more of a devil's complex to an angel, more of a fallen angel. He looks like he was once an angel, because you could see some similarities, but darkness overtook the light. He doesn't exactly look terrifying, but I could feel my lip being to quiver and my legs begin to shake.

"Bye. For now."  The fallen boy poked into the middle of my forehead before pushing his hand out and hitting my stomach.

"Arielle! Oh my god, you have been out for hours now, it is 10pm. We have been trying to wake you up but you wouldn't budge." Coraline came and sat down next to me.

"Where are we?" I look around to try and re-jog my memory, but I remember nothing. I rub my eyes and open them again, but still, nothing. I have never been here before.

"We are at Greensville." Coraline reminds me.

"It looks-"

"-Different." I look behind me to see Morcar standing there, with his arms crossed. "Look, can we talk?"

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