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I woke up to the light carelessly seeping through the curtains which were being held up with a limp piece of plastic. It is so bright outside, I can feel the warmth of the day flooding onto my revealed skin. Wait- the warmth of the day. Shit! What the hell is the time?! I leap over Morcar and scurry over to where I had placed my bag last night. I look back at Morcar but he still hasn't moved, he is still sleeping. As I continued to look through my bag for my phone, I could feel my knees becoming weak and my palms beginning to sweat. I swear to god if we have fucked this up- I will be so mad at myself. Why the hell didn't I set an alarm.

I finally find my phone in my bag to find that it is dead. You have got to be kidding me right?

"Morcar. MORCAR. Where the fuck is your phone?" I shouted to him. But there was no use, he wouldn't wake up. I forgot that he had always been a deep sleeper. "For god's sake I swear to god if I don't find it-" I scurry over to his bag and hesitantly open it, it felt wrong looking through his stuff. Without another thought, I stuck my hand in the rucksack and started to feel around for a phone. "Oh my god I do not have time for this!"

"Time for what?" Morcar finally walks out of the room and looks at me before looking at his bag. "What are you doing with my ba-"

"It's not what it looks like, I promise you! I just woke up and the sun was coming in the curtains and then I got a bad feeling that we were late and I went to check my phone and then it was dead and I didn't even think to-"

"4:42," Morcar looks at me and smiles. His voice is so deep in the mornings, it's deep anyway but, it just sounds different.

"I- oh. We are not late but not exactly on schedule."

"Well come on then. Get ready, we have a big day ahead of us!" Morcar looked at me one last time before walking back into the bedroom.

I walk over to the flat door and shout "I'm just going to wake Coraline up," And before I could hear Morcar's response, I had already shut the door and started walking down to Coraline's floor.

"Yeah so I think that there are people in this flat but I 'ave no clue. I 'eard people runnin' up n' down the stairs," Who. The. Hell. Is. That. The voice was deep, and sounded like they smoked a lot of cigarettes.

"Well, me and Barry will go and check it," Barry? I recognise that name. Well, I mean, it is a pretty normal name, just like everyone else's names around here. Before I could walk back upstairs to Morcar I hear Coraline's latch from her door fall, and see it start to open. It isn't loud, and as the people in the compound sound like they are at the bottom floor, they wouldn't have been able to hear it.

As she walks out I notice she already has all of her stuff together and she is ready, which is more than what I could say for me. I am still in yesterday's clothes, but I don't think I will have time to change them.

"Hi-" I put my finger over my lips to signal her to be quiet and gestured downstairs to indicate there were people down there. She understood almost straight away and slowly tiptoed to where I was standing on the stairs. "How do they even know that we're here?" She whispered so quietly I almost didn't catch what she was saying.

"Follow me, I will explain when we get to my room."

"What about Morcar? Where is he?" Oh god. I forgot to tell her that Morcar stayed in my room. There was no time.

"He- he's already in my flat, just hurry up," Without another word we creep up the stairs and approach my flat door. I had left it slightly open, which was lucky I guess because it would make less noise. "Hurry up come inside," I shut the door promptly as Coraline ran in and pulled her phone out of her bag, "What're you doing?"

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