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Morcar's pov...

It feels like I have been laying in bed for hours now, tossing and turning trying to put my head to rest. I get up and walk over to the clock, 3:00am, how nice. I can't sleep because I keep thinking about what Quill said, what if he's right? What if they only let the people who are good into Galapanda, what if they won't take me back? I have done bad things but I can't help that, what has happened is already done, I can't reverse it now. I don't want to worry Arielle, because she will break down, and I can't do that to her. She's too good for me, I don't deserve her. But I still love her, so much. I don't want to leave her, because she will not be able to deal with it. I walk over to Arielle and sit down next to her, she's so pretty. I put her hand in mine and looked down to the floor. Maybe it would be better for her if I just leave, I'm just holding her back.

"I love you Arielle." I bend over to her and kiss her forehead.

"Where- what? Are you okay?" She mumbled half asleep.

"It's okay, I'll see you soon." My voice started to crack, I wasn't leaving, but I should.

"Don't leave Morcar, please." Arielle sits up in bed and looks at me. "Why are you leaving?"

"I was just going to go on a walk."

"It's three in the morning?"

"I- well yeah I cant sleep."

"Please don't go." Arielle looks at me, I can tell she is worried about me leaving. Before I could say anything else, she crawls over to me and sits on my lap and cuddles me. "I know what you're trying to do, and I am not letting you leave. Even if Quill was telling the truth, you'll get back in. You haven't done anything wrong, okay?"

"But how do you know?"

"When am I ever wrong?" I say nothing. Arielle is never really wrong, well, sometimes. "Exactly, now go to sleep." I take my jumper off and get back into bed next to Arielle. "Please don't worry about it, we can speak about it in the morning, okay?" I nod my head and close my eyes and attempt to make my mind fall asleep.

Arielle's pov...

Mornings are so beautiful, so calming. The weather wasn't as nice as it should be for a summer's day, because it's raining. The clouds are a boring grey and the rain is pouring out of the sky like there is no tomorrow. I turned over in bed to realise that Morcar wasn't there. Morcar wasn't there?

"Morcar, where are you?!" I try not to panic because he's probably just doing something, but after last night I'm not sure. He was acting really strange, like he wanted to leave. I don't want him to leave, I really don't. I can't lose him again if I do-

"You okay? Why do you look so stressed?" I let out a sigh of relief to realise that Morcar hadn't left, he was just in the bathroom.

"I- well I was just worried I thought you left."

"Why would I have left?"

"B-because of last night."

"Last night? Nothing happened last night." He unlocked his eyes from my gaze and looked to the floor.

"You know you were never good at lying, and you're still not." I smile at him and lay back in bed. I am still so tired. "You know, I'm not letting you leave."

"And I'm not leaving anyway. Stop worrying."

"What was last night about then?"

"Nothing." He is lying, I know it is something. Quill probably put him on edge from what he said last night, but I know he is going to get in, I just know it. "Why are you worried? You are not Quill. He is a fallen angel, you practised black magic. They are two different things." Morcar says nothing, he just looks at me. "Please just say something."

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