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Arielle's pov...
We were all sitting in Coraline's room now to try and come up with some sort of plan. If we want to get out of this place alive, we need to do something about it, and we need to do it quickly.

"So, any plans?" I look at Morcar and Coraline and tap my feet. They look so clueless, jesus. I guess I'm gonna have to do all the planning. "Okay fine." I grab my phone and head to the door.

"Where are you going?" Coraline instantly stood up and walked over to me.

"I am going to talk to the lady downstairs." The receptionist seemed nice, I feel like she might be able to help. She nods and walks off.

"Good luck, don't let her get too suspicious."

"Y-You are joking right? You are just gonna let her waltz down there and start asking questions? She will instantly think you are suspicious."

"Morcar, stop being so worried all the time- wait no that's not what I meant." Morcar turns his back from me and faces the small window that is looking out into the parking lot.

"Go, we will see you in a bit." He didn't turn back round, he remained at the window, standing. I said not another word and left the room and closed the door lightly behind me. I didn't mean to upset him, I just need to learn how to think before I speak, I have never really been good at that. My mind is swirling so much right now because I haven't even thought about what I am going to say to the woman yet, I guess I'll have to wing it.

"Hello, my name is Arielle, I didn't catch your name earlier?" Maybe I shouldn't have used my real name, just in case this goes wrong. Oh well, if it goes wrong it goes wrong.

"Well it is nice to meet you Arielle, but I am kinda busy at the mo-"

"I can help you." I interrupted. "What are you doing?" I look down to where her notepad is and she quickly closes it. I raise my brow and look her in the eye. "So your name is?"

"May, it's May. But as I said, I am really busy." She lets out a forced smile and looks back down to the computer she was hiding behind.

"What are you hiding from me?" I put my arms onto the desk and lean closer to her. "I won't tell! Promise." I smirk at her and she grips onto her chair.

"I- It's nothing." She coughed to get rid of the lump that was obviously in her throat.

"If I ask you something." I lift up the flap and walk behind the desk. I spin her chair round and look her in the eye. "I already know, so don't lie." I let go of the chair and she quickly stands up.

"Please don't hurt me." She starts to back up from me and goes to grab her phone.

"You don't want to do that love, put the phone down." She follows my orders and chucks the phone onto the desk. "Now tell me." I take a step closer to her and she takes one back. "What exactly are you hiding?" She tries to cross her arms so I can't see her hands shaking violently but I noticed ages ago.

"Follow me."

"And why should I trust you?" I raise my eyebrow.

"You want answers, don't you?" I nod my head and move out the way and stand in front of the flap so she can't leave. She walks over to her desk and presses a button underneath which makes a loud cranking noise. I was kinda wary about her pressing it, just in case it called the police or something, but she is beyond scared to do something like that. I watch her every move as she drags herself over to the wall and presses hard on it. To my surprise, the wall slightly opened like a doorway, and she stepped in. "Come on." I wipe down my clothes and step into the door.

"What is this?" She closes the door and sits down on a chair and presses another button to turn on some kind of device. In the room sat a table with five monitors sitting next to each other. When the button was pressed, each screen popped up with a logo which read: T.W.O.F.W

"What the hell does-"

"The watchers of the world."

"Who the hell are they?"

"The people that control and look over the city, and most likely half of the world." She says absolutely naturally like that wasn't crazy at all.

"Do the people know about this?" She lets out a cackle and grips onto the keyboard tighter.

"Most of this town doesn't even know their own names, let alone the people who are controlling them."

"What the hell- What is this place?"

"A place you shouldn't have come to."

"But I am trying to get home with my friends." May lets go of the mouse and puts her hands on the table.

"And how do you plan to do that?"

"The portal?"

"Oh, so you're the ones from Galapanda." her voice did not sound as sweet and warm anymore. She gets up from her chair and starts walking toward me.

"Would that be a problem?"

"No sweetie, you're just worth big bucks, you and your friends. I was gonna tell you about what they do to people in this town, how they are brainwashed and no one knows anything but to live like perfect people. And I was gonna tell you where to find that sweet portal home that you so desperately want to find."

"You just told me though."

"Oh but you won't need it now, you are going to Asteria where you belong and I can finally leave this town." Before I could back up she grabs my wrist and adjusts her grip on them.

"See the thing is, I got what I wanted, and I am going to leave and I am not going to Asteria."

"And how do you expect to leave? I have you now. There is no way out." She smirks at me before attempting to chuck me across the room. I then place both of my hands on her arm and dig my fingers into them tight and look her in the eye.

"You're lying! Where is the portal? Don't try and lie, because I am not stupid." I shout at her before tightening my grip. My hands were glowing some sort of silver colour now. I looked back up at the woman and she let out a loud scream. "NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU! Tell me where it is now!"

"Fine! It is in the lake in the forest. I don't know where the lake is, I haven't been told!"

"You're lying!"

"I'm not, I swear. I don't know where it is!" I loosen my grip on her and punch her in the face and she falls to the floor. Wait, did I kill her? Please be dead. Wait no I mean alive. I check her pulse to see that she is luckily still alive, but unconscious. I walk over to the monitors and take pictures of the information on the screen, I have no time to read it now, I need to get out of here. I walk over to May's body and rip the key off of her and insert it in the door. It opens swiftly and I close the door and put the key into my pocket. As I went to walk out I remembered the notepad on her desk that she attempted to hide from me, so I grabbed that and walked back up to Coraline's room.

Coraline's pov...

"She has been ages Coraline! What if she is dead and we are just sitting here? We need to do something!" Morcar gets up from his chair and starts to pace around the room.

"Morcar you need to calm down, you love Arielle so you need to trust her, okay? She is fine. Now sit down! You know what that girl can do, she is powerful, no one is going to get in her way." He stops and looks at me.

"You're right! What if she left without us?"


"Ugh I don't know, I am just worried." I stare at him and roll my eyes before picking back at my nails. I really can't be bothered for anyone's shit today, I hardly got any sleep last night.

"Worried about what?" Morcar and I turn our heads to the door to see Arielle walk in, with... Blood on her knuckles.

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