29. Reminiscence

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Three days passed since the day they were ambushed by Doflamingo and Vergo. Corazon, Law and Marin are boarding Navy warship sent by Sengoku to bring Corazon back to Navy HQ in Marineford.

"Anata.." Marin is looking away towards the sea. Her voice was serene, calm, unreadable like that late afternoon ocean. Marin can properly move now. Her wounds heal fast just like Corazon and Law's wounds after been treated with her Miracle and Navy's proper medical equipment.


"Can I ask something?" Marin is still looking out to the sea. Dusk is approaching soon.


"Who.. could you be?"


"A Tenryuubito... is it not?"

"M- Marin.. I.."

"What will happen to us now?"


"What will..? Wh- what do you mean?"

"Am I still..-- Can I still be your wife?"

"O- OF COURSE! What are you talking Marin?"

"You.. would not go back to your people?"

"Uh? I won't! I can't. Nothing will change about us. I was serious when I said I want us to be together forever.
....Our family-,.. my parents.., already abandon that title. We won't go back to Mary Geoise. Like my father always said, we are only human. ..So here is where I belong."

"Looks like I was overthinking.. But this is a relieve.."

"..Thank you for not hating me.. for not telling you about it earlier."

"..I was afraid.." Marin looks at the horizon that is getting red. Corazon doesn't know whether it was the sun or sadness that make her eyes squint. "..that you will leave me."


"I'm sorry

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"I'm sorry.. Truth is, there is more that I hide from you.."


"..The time for my punishment has come. I need to go back to Marineford. Alone."

Corazon knows Marin is shocked. But she is listening calmly.

"To take a potrait picture together, to wear shirt picked by my bride, to be dressed a necktie by my bride..,
....believe me, the things I want us to do together is so many, yet.." Corazon said regretfully.
"I've decided, I will go with a smile. I won't be bitter because I have to go, instead I'll look forward to come back as clean man.
I do feel bad leaving my bride alone..but justice shouldn't be used conveniently. I can't let my bride be with someone unlawful. I will come back as someone corrected and deserving you.
So, this is not my place to ask, but,.. will you.. uh.. wai--.. uh..for me..?"

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