8. The Twist In Reality

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The trio walk on snowbed towards southern part of the island where Corazon dock their boat, hidden from western coast where Navy look-out ship anchored. The weather is warmer than last night, some snow melt into droplets. The sunlight reflected on the snow creates a beautiful white glaring scene on that muted Ghost Town. Who could've guess that the town just experience a terror of ordeal last night.

Corazon, Law and newly joined member, Marin, went past the border of the town, the Bird Cage was gone unnoticeably, no trace of it at all, all buried by the untainted snow.

A long walk to the southern cliff did not tire Law out, he even helped carry a crate all the way. Perhaps, he threw-up quite lots of White Lead out his body system last night, much enough to sustain him another week of living.


Marin took this as an opportunity to hone her new technique when they need to get down the 18 meters cliff by a piece of rope hanging to a tree. It is a very secluded place to hide the boat and a very wise strategy of Corazon to enter the island unnoticed. Normally, Corazon could go down carrying Law on his back easily, but nobody predicted that they would return with a new recruit and a lot of crates full of profit, so Marin use the Chance so everyone can go down successfully.

 Normally, Corazon could go down carrying Law on his back easily, but nobody predicted that they would return with a new recruit and a lot of crates full of profit, so Marin use the Chance so everyone can go down successfully

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"This is our boat." Corazon introduced when they safely get into the boat.

"Yes, please to have me in your care." She bows slightly and follows him stacking the crates on edges of the boat, balancing the number so that the boat would not tilted to either sides.

Looking at the current state of their boat, Corazon thinks that it needs upgrade. They have a woman in their crew now, so they need at least one room, for her, on their boat. They also need more space for supplies..and a kitchen..and bathroom.. Corazon never thought about this before. His focus was only on finding cure for Law, the way they live for these past six months is not a concern for him. They lived on a rugged style, free-spirited life. Now that Law's case was settled, Corazon needs to think of the next step.

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