20. Human Shoppe

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Youtube just recommended me this fanmade video👆👆 One Piece Film Z opening but Heart Pirates version!! It's 1 year ago video probably most of you watched already.


"Ojou-san are you sure you are fine?" Corazon asked when they walked to the boat. Sun already set, tonight they must sail all night. This is going to be really tiresome, but Corazon expected this much after he decided to not spend the night in tavern and this is nothing big deal for a sailor of his caliber.

"Yes, I do not think the cursed harm mine body physicallyーgyaaah!!" Marin stumbled on literally flat ground out of the blue.

Once again Corazon was torn whether to catch her or not.

If I catch her, it means I have to touch Ojou-san's body and hug her. . . . . .HUG!?」 *blush*


"What were you doing Cora-san.. looking daze like that?!!"

Law changed Marin's position with Corazon, so it was Corazon who fell instead.

"It's rare to see Marin-san making a blunder."

"I am sorry, Senchou-san! It is fine Law-kun, you do not have to switch mine place with Senchou-san. . .poor Senchou-san~. . ." Marin felt really bad when seeing Corazon lying flat on his face like that.

" Marin felt really bad when seeing Corazon lying flat on his face like that

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Nice move Law!! This is the pinnacle of your ability! I'm more than glad to take the fall for her. . .!

"It's okay. Cora-san does that all the time. Look at his face. Why are you happy Cora-san?"

"I did not."

"It's very obvious. Your face cannot hide it."

"I am sorry Senchou-san, I think it was the curse's effect. . .someone had cursed me into an unlucky being."

"Seriously?!!" Corazon jolted to stand up again.

"Yes. I can feel the curse spell casted on me when the ox bone hit me earlier."

"W-what should we do?! Let's get it treated!"

"Thank you Senchou-san. That is really kind thought of you. Yet it is alright, it is probably a simple curse. I am sure the effect would wear off in some times, yes?"

"What if it not??" Law objected.

"Then I shall adapt to living with blunder for the rest of mine life, shall I not?!" Marin half joked about the situation.

"Huh?! Why would anyone wants to be unlucky like Cora-san. We had enough one like that!"


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