1. A Witch Appear In Snow

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Law alone maybe I can make him get away..
I myself can't be saved anymore but..
Will you remember me after I die?
I will die with a smile!

Corazon clicks his fingers and a soundproof wall is activated.

Because if you remember me someday..
It's good if you can remember me smiling.

Corazon try to put his wide best smile ever, showing a gap from his missing tooth.

"Law we gotta get going."

Little Law in Corazon arms open up his eyes, gasping and yell. A funny yet horrific clown face so close to his face shouting joyously one pitch higher, "Let's go!"

Corazon rushed towards the broken door. Outside, a black cape woman hiding her face lurking towards the wide-opened door. They shocked upon each other before bumping. The woman fell sitting while Corazon tripped exaggeratedly plunging Law into the air and landed right on Corazon face. It's like a calculated comedy sketch. The woman wonders if they are a group of performer, given the get-up and the fact they make no sound at all.

 The woman wonders if they are a group of performer, given the get-up and the fact they make no sound at all

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"I am sorry this is my first time seeing a jester so close, it surprised me very well. He.he." The woman referred to the bumping earlier. She slightly bow while remain sitting and forced a laugh to show hospitality.

"Who.. are you?" Corazon forced himself to get up from the ground but remain sitting. The snow coated floor he lied on just now stained with the blood from his wound.

"Blood?! You must be 'the person'! Please let me treat the wound, yes?" The woman plead.

"...You don't seems like a threat, strange woman, but we don't have time, we need to go. Get out from this island while you can, woman. Here is dangerous." Corazon tried to get back to his plan despite the sudden confusing situation.

"No, please, you don't understand, I do not mean to be audacious, but you both might be in very danger right now."

"...Yes, I know. That's why I need to hurry. Let's go Law." Corazon rushed to the door carrying Law. Law put all his trust on Corazon. Corazon looks very determined, especially tonight.

"Whatever you are going to do, it will not end in good way!" The woman slightly shouted from behind making Corazon steps stopped. All attention are on her now.

"What do you mean? Who are you... a Dofy's men?!" Corazon alarmed and worried about Law. The tension shows on his face. He stares into the woman intensely.

"Who..? N- no. No, I am not someone suspicious.." She changed her tone, hoping to ease wariness from everyone minds. "Please believe me, I only want to help." Then, she sits to reduce the tension between them.
"Please hear me, I beg you, and let me treat the wound while we are at that." She pats the floor in front of her, beckoning Corazon to sit down too. Corazon face soften, her composure had its effect on him and then he bends down to sit.

...................to be continue.

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