23. To Woo A Woman

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I just recruited Cora-san ❤❤😍


After Law unexpected encouragement, Corazon decided to face his feeling head-on and confess to Marin.

Despite overwhelmed by eager, Corazon is indeed engulfed by insecurity because of the Tenryuubito's blood he carries. Unlike Doflamingo, he does not take a pride in being a former Tenryuubito, in fact it made him, sometimes, reassess his self-worth and it could be the reason he didn't open up to any friend so far.

Once, Doflamingo told him, coming from a Tenryuubito family does not leave them much choice now, they have experienced it themself, how people in their old house treated a fallen Tenryuubito's family, despite their father clearly mentioned the intention to be their friend.

"People in their normal don't associate with such family. The weak always bundle up together complaining about those higher and powerful above them. Because inside their heart they loathe them and envy them. They wish they were born noble too. Human are not that easily forgiving creature. They don't conveniently let go a 800 years old sin once they have a little power to claim it."


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That's the excuse Doflamingo made when he chose a pirate life, away from normal people life. It give him justifiable freedom to destroy the world. But Corazon think it is just a coward way to live, deliberately giving excuse just because he can't open up to different perspective.

But Corazon also not far from being a coward too. Except Admiral Sengoku and few of Sengoku's trusted subordinate, no one knew about Corazon's bloodline. To be able to live without hiding it or having complex about it, is a big challenge. That's why Corazon always admire his father, Donquixote Homing's, courage for being so honest with his self. He never afraid to voice out the truth, whether to the commoner or to the fellow Tenryuubito. He never mind their criticism or fear of getting shunned by them. That noble-hearted man sincerely believe in humanity and he didn't loathe even when humanity turn against his back. "People here sure are nasty to us but they are pitiful.", that's tell how big his heart are.

So Corazon wanted to build an honest relationship with Marin. He doesn't want to flirt aimlessly anymore. He realized his position and background, the blood he was born with. He is the last person that should be near her. The likes of him doesn't deserve her or anyone. Even if it does not concern her, the people could troubled her because of it. So Marin should know the truth. Corazon doesn't intend to hide his bloodline from Marin, however he also doesn't have the courage to disclose it all at once, so he will start it off by, at least, knowing what Marin thinks about Tenryuubito.


That night, air is warm. The sound of waves hitting the shore of the bay is tranquilizing. Corazon is on wheelchair strolling alongside Marin on the beach.

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