16. Warmonger

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Soon, the snow melted and season changed. The region outside North pole are already embracing spring. While sticking to their plan to travel through less noticeable path, Corazon 'RESCUE Boat' crew reached a land of conflict in North Blue.

"The war here is already happening for many years..and there is no sign of it would stop anytime soon." Corazon never look this serious. Despite not showing any emotion, Law knew Corazon regretted the circumstances of that country.

"In next ten years what will this country be, Law? What will the children learn and grow up to be?"

" . . . "

"They'll continue to do what the adult now doing. Living only to hate and to fight. And that cycle will continue for generations until one side win. But you know what bitter truth about that?"

 But you know what bitter truth about that?"

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"Nobody is going to win. There will be only people died for futile reason. You know why?"

Law wait for his answer.

"Because there are warmonger behind all of this. They are scum among scum. They take advantages from both side and reap from them."

"Could that be . . ?" Law finally understand what Corazon is concerned about.

Corazon look at the smart boy and put on his sunglasses. He never wanted to exposed this top secret. But Law could guessed it by the way. The warmonger responsible for this war are Doflamingo and his associates. By supplying both sides with weapons and power, they fan war between the two conflicting sides, but only enough to make sure none of the sides would win so the war could continue on forever and reap from them forever.

"There's too many country like this in North Blue. . " Corazon sighed. He doesn't know whether this 'business' of Doflamingo already spread to the outside of North Blue or not.

"It's like a ghost town here. Let's see what happened closer."

Upon reaching the town central, they discover many corpses of civilians lying on the ground. The fresh smell of blood and gunpowder indicate it was a recent event.

"Quick! Go help whoever we can!" Corazon briskly went to check each of the victim while carefully watching out their back in case there are any soldiers nearby. It's not much they can do to help. The bullets already took away those people's breath instantly.

"Why did I not feel anything earlier. . when people are dying this much..?" Marin sound like she was in so much pain. She saw many children among the dead victims.

"What's wrong Ojou-san?!" Corazon never saw Marin in such distress state.


Law had seen this view before, violence and bloodshed, dead bodies everywhere, he can't feel anything anymore, it's too painful that it's numbing him. But Law is strong now. He won't succumb to despair again.

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