6. Dawn Of Hope

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"Are you alright Law?! Do you feel sick?!" Corazon panicked when Law suddenly waking up jolted from Marin's lap and ran away as far as he managed to the other end of the room and vomits. He let his digestive tube went rampant and have their way out. It's nearly all liquid since Law didn't eat anything all evening. He subconsciously goes back to lie down beside Corazon without saying anything, leaving the worried man's head keeps guessing and weighing his current health condition.

Corazon put his palm on Law's forehead, broad enough to cover the boy's eyes too. Annoyed by it, Law swats Corazon's hand off to show his protest. But Corazon see that as a sign of him gaining more energy now. The fever he had last night is gone. That explains why his crankiness has coming back.

"There is something peculiar but interesting in your vomit, Otouto-san

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"There is something peculiar but interesting in your vomit, Otouto-san."

"Don't play over that stuff! It's disgusting!" Weak Law yelled when his pair of droopy eyes catched a glimpse of Marin squatting next to the puddle of his white-silvery vomit.

"He.he..I am sorry..I am investigating it!" There was no trace of guilt at all in Marin's apology, and Law noticed it.

"It's disturbing you know!" Law shouted, then he coughs for too much yelling. But he is not regretting it even a bit.

"Ha.ha..I am sorry, I may not look like it, but I used to be apprentice for many investigator and researcher."

Law gives her a tired look. Whatever Marin said just now doesn't give much of impact on him. A part of his brain figured it probably was Marin that made his body feel better now. She probably did her magic spell on him. Afterall, she wasn't like a typical civilian. There are so many strange things about her that he is curious about.

"How do you feel, Otouto-san?" Marin asked when she returned back to their side.

"It's painful. That vomiting. I feel very awful right now."

"I see. That poison metal get out from your body via vomit.. however it is a rather uncomfortable treatment, yes? What should I do? Should I stop or continue putting Miracle on Otouto-san?" Marin turns her head to Corazon, asking for his answer, assuming he is the guardian for the boy. Instead, Corazon's look shifts towards Law, demanding for Law to answer it himself.

"Let's stop. For now. It's bearable." Law said while his eyes are closed, with a slight annoyance in his voice, looking very tired.

"Alright, sleep well~" Marin pays absolute no attention towards his grouchiness.

"He can yell well, that's mean he is alright." Corazon commented, while looking at the boy sleeping carefree on the dusty floor. Not that Corazon care actually.

"I hope Otouto-san can meet a proper doctor.." Marin sincerely hoping.

"It's futile. Those doctors aren't reliable. It's all depending on him now. To heal himself." Corazon sounds cold and stiff like how he usually is, but a hint of emotion still can be heard clearly.

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