3. With Angel In The Dark

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"So much plan for your grand speech, Ojou-san." Corazon being bold with his non-offensive satire.

"Is it so..? Yet, I was quite confident with my idea.. How embarrassing.. I am sorry it was not impressive." Marin lost a bit of her confident. "Even so, please try it, yes? If Onii-san thinks it unreasonable, it must be unthinkable for that man too, yes?"

"But we can't do nothing. . ."

"No, we are not doing nothing, we are waiting. It is doing something, is it not?"

"That kind of word does not giving any assurance." Although Corazon maintains lackadaisical, his inclination to disagree was showing.

"Then, shall we wait a little bit more, yes? And let see if something changed afterwards, shall we?"

"How would you know if something had changed?"

"Instinct...err I mean if this bad feeling of mine dissappear or at least lessen.."

Corazon is reluctant but he can't reject it either. Afterall, this woman was way too devoted on her own.

 Afterall, this woman was way too devoted on her own

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"Then let me go on guard." Finally Corazon gave in to her.

"No! Definitely no. If someone needs to be on guard.. then let.. let me..!" Marin stuttered on the last part since she is neither a fighter nor have the strength to do that.

"What kind of man let a woman in danger, as much as to be protected by a normal civilian woman. Let me be the guard."

"I, to be honest, am afraid -anything that involve with Onii-san's decision or movement will lead to the fated event. I was given chance to change fate but I cannot look into fate, I do not know what will cause what. So, I am really afraid right now." It is a little pensive in her tone.
"That is why the best option now is to leave everything on me, yes? I will.. somehow, manage! Please rest assure." She changed her tone back to being positive. "..And I am truly sorry if it make Onii-san to feel... less man, but please think of it this way, taking a defeat in a discussion with a woman, is very gentleman of you, is it not? And it is not dangerous, I have a woman instinct, yes?🌼~"

"No. No. That last part definitely not convincing." Law and Corazon agreed on same thing.


Meanwhile, Barrels pirates are still rampaging. They look weird. Like a horror puppet, slashing random people at their sight. But their face look terrified as they attack, some even close their eyes and screaming while waving the blade. Marin peeping the situation outside.

"That's my brother manipulating them, he is String human, an ability user who can control people using string." Corazon looking very serious. "He is going to destroy everything, his madness is unstoppable. Hurry we should go or we could caught up in this situation." Corazon giving order to move.

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