18. Medieval Island

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"That was not what I meant, Senchou-san.🌼 I was only curious whether if Senchou-san have jesterly talent.."

"So. . .Ojou-san. .didn't scared of clown??" Corazon asked nervously upon realizing his misunderstanding. He began to regret his decision to asked Law removed his clowny tattoo yesterday.

"No, I do not scared of them. I fond of jester! Because all jester are funny and clumsy. Very much adorable. . ." (※Likes funny people.)

I made a blunder again!! I shouldn't rash to get rid of that tattoo!

"Marin-san like clown? Just like a little kid. . ." Law joined their conversation with a sharp critic.

"Kora!!! Law! 💫" Law got a love punch from Corazon for being rude (※blunt) again.

"Yes I am, Law-kun. Jester are the only entertainer we have in mine island. In the kingdom, they are idol. Like celebrity. Every maiden wish to marry them.🌼"

Then Ojou-san was dying to marry me when I had those tattoo?!」(※No.)

"Weird girls." Law being blunt honest again.

"Because jester-san can do everything. They sing, they dance, they mime, they do tricks, they play instruments, everything you can name. They are great, are they not?🌼"

"Tough job."

"And somehow jester-san can magically drawn everyone attention, they always ask people for strange items like their food, jewellery and sometimes even people's pants, for their performance, yet everyone would smile and give it to them without doubt. Like an art of asking. 🌼 How capable~"

"That's swindling!"

Marin chuckles. "No, jester-san did not swindle, Law-kun. They would return back the items to the owner after the show. They are very much honest, are they not?"

"I don't trust them."

"I fond of them. 🌼 Very much since I was a child. Yet, I never had chance to meet one."

"There was no clown on yesterday festival?"

While they are not noticing, a large intimidating carrack ship is passing them, sending a gush of wind to blow them away and rocks their boat excessively. The gust blew Marin's hood off her face momentarily, giving a certain gentleman on the ship enough time to catch a sight on her.

Meanwhile, Corazon almost fell into the sea due to that sudden swaying, and Law was busy rescuing Corazon. Marin supports herself from stumbling with one hand and prevent her hoodie from flying again with another hand.

"Cora-san that ship certainly looking down on us! Let me get back to them!" Law is trying to activate his Room.

"Cora-san that ship certainly looking down on us! Let me get back to them!" Law is trying to activate his Room

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