14. Days With You

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Corazon thought that it was a weird dream when he found himself waking up limbless, this kind of lucid dream usually left him feeling strange when he woke up from sleep later. But this dream started to feel real and real, and Corazon instantly knew what happened exactly...

ーIt must be Law who stole all his limb while he was sleeping!

Day was short and night was long in tundra especially during winter. By the time Corazon woke up it was already dark outside while it still 4 p.m., so all activity must be carried out indoor.

"Bwaahh!" Corazon made his own sound effect to surprised Law with his limbless torso. But of course it didn't get to Law at all. The boy just gave Corazon an unflappable look before turning back doing his clinical work.

"Law, look, I'm Den Den Mushi-san!" This time Corazon try to steal Law's attention again by pretending to be their limbless transponder snail by lying on his stomach. Law would turn to look at Corazon but soon he turns his back around again, showing the word 'LAUGH' written on his Situation-Explanation T-shirt.

"Cora-san don't you have anything to do?" Law casually ask (※critic) while writing a note of his work.

"Cora-san don't you have anything to do?" Law casually ask (※critic) while writing a note of his work

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". . Nothing much I could do in this body condition right now. ." Corazon lazily rest his chin on the floor, looking bored.

"Just a little bit more. .I need Cora-san's limbs until I finished observing their lymphatic vessels. ."

"Law, how was your disease?" Corazon rolled over facing the ceiling, like a tumbling worm.

"While Cora-san was napping, I removed half of my White Lead..the remaining left are in my blood and lymph.." Corazon heard Law answer from behind. "That's why I need to observe Cora-san's lymphatic vessel.. for reference."

"That's great...." But there was a sombre tone in Corazon's gratitude. Although his wish had finally been fulfilled, the incoming reality he has to face might not be as pleasant. When Law is cured, Corazon knew ‘that day’ must be coming soon. In the past, Corazon lied a lot to the innocent kid, and he is going to lie again this time.

"Law, let me show you something interesting tomorrow.." Corazon said again. If ‘that day’ will come, he at least wants to spend as much time with Law as possible.

". . Okay."

When Law is done with his study, they both went to the kitchen looking for something edible, it turns up Marin already made dozens of onigiri that afternoon.

"I feel bad to tell you, but it is only onigiri for this dinner and breakfast tomorrow.." Marin regrettably informed.

"What's the filling, Marin-san?"

"Only okaka and umeboshi..
..Um, Law-kun, would you might show me the way to town tomorrow, yes? We almost run out of cooking ingredients..I want to shop for our food stock."

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