26. Sengoku's Secret

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👆For those who haven't watch it yet, the remake of Corazon & Law scenes (4:35 ~ 5:57 we get some Cora-san face close-up shots 😍) from One Piece Vol. 100/Ep. 1000 Celebration Movie.


"I thought you should know this. Then, that's all from me. I will be in contact again."

This was Corazon hanging up the Den Den Mushi earlier. The other side of the line still gaping in disbelieve. Then his face soften thinking the kid he saved 19 years ago already grew up, he wonders whether unmarried man like himself had been a good guardian to him, surely not. He raised him like a soldier, treated him just like how he trains young Navy recruits, but something he didn't expect has developed, he never thought that this particular recruit can leave a deep impression on him. He is special and he can say that he'd grew a parental instinct over time, towards this boy he can never called a son.

"Ackk?! What's with that face?" A familiar senior man in his 60's already made his way into the room. Soon the sound of cracker crunching and munching followed. "You're grinning alone like crazy old geezer..something good happened?"

The man with afro regain his composure again. "Garp, kisama, since when you were there?!"

Garp, the man with senbei, beams a grin to Sengoku. Then he helps himself to sit comfortably on a couch in Sengoku's office.

"Hey make some tea, I have senbei.."

"Kisama! Did I already tell you to knock!?"

"Nanja?! I brought senbei!"

"You Garp..don't you have any work? Why do I always see you walking around jobless?" Sengoku start his preach on Garp, but his hand seized a senbei like a pro while his eyes never leave that old coot Garp's face.

"You still working, Sengoku? It's almost midnight. As expected.. hardworker to the bone.. definitely a promising Fleet Admiral's candidate you are..!!" Garp laughs.

"That said why are you not working?? Bogard-kun is doing your quota of work everyday without failed, diligently everyday! Don't you think you should contribute too?"

"That fella.. we go way back.. he almost like a mother of 153rd Navy branch.. I'm grateful for all his work.."

"Mother? Kisama how much do you take your subordinate for?!"

"What? I was praising that fella..!"

"You should do your own work! Don't just praise him!"

"Fuwahahahaha!! How can I be free if I was confined to my desk?!"

"Loud and exuberant..You Garp.. I hurt my head talking with you.." Today too Sengoku have tendency to get annoyed by Garp's attitude.

"Here..eat more senbei.. I'm telling you.. you can count on me if you need to kick some pirate's ass.. I'll knock them on 1-on-1 fight!!" This is Garp way of currying Sengoku's favour back.

 I'll knock them on 1-on-1 fight!!" This is Garp way of currying Sengoku's favour back

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