22. A Man Resolve

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(*Law gasped*)
"What are you doing Cora-san?? Taken off your bandage when I don't tell you so?!!" Law nagged early in the morning when he saw Corazon trying to loosen his head bandage.

"This is alright now. I can start working."

"Stupid man. You are not!"

"But Law, I can't lie down and do nothing."

"Why? Are we not safe? After all the trouble we took to take cover in here?"

"No. That's not it. It's been almost a week, I just...I should do something. Like gather information or stand guard, .."

"Why are you being this childish! If Cora-san is not well how are you going to protect us all?! You'll only be a nuisance big oaf! So, sleep!"

Corazon's eyes turn into circle and jaws apart. He didn't expect Law to show his concern to this extent.

"That's....actually right. Alright, I'm not going to move around." Corazon lies down again. He understand Law's feeling. Law genuinely worried about him by his own way of caring.

"It's okay, Cora-san can move around. We rent a wheelchair. So Cora-san can go out to toilet by yourself anytime. And here. Take this."

"What? Paper?"

"Use it to play game or something." Law actually had went as far as to think a way to keep Corazon occupied during his recovery duration. He wants Corazon to cheer up too. A good doctor should care about his patient emotional health too.

"What game? With paper?" Corazon crumpled some paper into a ball. "I'm not a cat...Ouch!! I got a paper cut!.." The sting made Corazon shakes his hand. "What's with that look?" He asked when Law is giving him the eye.

"Big oaf. This is why I can't give Cora-san anything. Everything will turn into weapon when Cora-san touch it. Use that paper to kill time if you want. Paper is safest thing we have."

Corazon didn't say anything. He is used to Law sharp remark.

"Look Law! I can write with two hands at the same time! How cool is that for ya?!!" Corazon flaunts his skill.

"Nanda..so Cora-san can play with paper." But Law secretly amaze by Corazon's skill. "Is that Cora-san hidden skill? Writing with both hand.."

"You know I always broke my arm or twist my wrist or hurt my hand or burnー..."

"ーI know I know. It's normal accident. Then?"

"So I trained my other hand to write and do things too. So I am ambidextrous."

"Hm. Why do I not surprised?"

"Sit still Law. Let me draw you. I have drawing skill too."

"Nanda. . . " Law awkwardly sit still (※and stiff). To suddenly become a model, to be stare occasionally, Law is trying hard to pretend to be casual.

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