13. Training Day

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After practicing his ability on frogs this morning, Law went to town along with Corazon to inspect the situation of the island. Surprisingly, it is neither ruthless nor poor town. While not receiving the World Government protection, they supposely be dangerous with crimes running through, but probably because of that reasoning not much pirates interested in the island - bearing mentality 「they are too poor to plunder」 or 「it's some other pirate's territory」.

Due to the fact that the citizen didn't pay Heavenly Tribute to the Tenryuubito, they are capable of self sufficent, thus, solving their poverty issue. One can say that it is ironic, not allying with World Government is what making the island abundant and peace.

The road to town is still like how Corazon remembered, only the landscape had changed. In the past, he and his brother used to pass these trails countless times to discreetly search for food to eat.

Corazon walks looking down the ground with mix feeling, his heart is feeling heavier than he expected. He assured himself that everything is going to be alright. It's been almost a decade since 'that' happened, nobody recognizes him anymore now..

"Oya? You don't look familiar.." A friendly street vendor selling apples greeted him.

"Oh.. We are...traveller." Corazon answered reluctantly and walked away leaving the seller feeling estranged.

Law trails behind him trying not to draw public attention on them. So far it's good. Nothing seems harmless, they might be able to stay in the island for a while.

"What are you looking for, Cora-san? Are you going to buy something?" Law noticed Corazon has been peeking into the shop premises.

"Just looking." He had some things in mind; some gypsum and tools to fix the house and tobacco.

"I never saw people sell those feathers jacket like Cora-san's have.." Law casually commented when they passed a clothing store.

"Why? You need it?"

"No. Just thinking where did Cora-san even get that.."

"This one? It's Dofy's..he made me wear one matched to his.."

"A sibling thing? As expected.. Doflamingo is a bit weird flashy-flashy man.."

"It's a family heritage he said, our family had been wearing these coat since before 900 years ago or so his story goes.."

Episode 658

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Episode 658

"Nanda?..Cora-san also from some kind of weird clan too?" Law remembers what Corazon told him about his mystery 'monster' D. clan.

"..Hmm probably.." Corazon's Tenryuu clan's histories flash inside his mind. 'Weird' was a rather too kind word to describe them.

 'Weird' was a rather too kind word to describe them

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