7. Parting Ways?

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As I thought Law, something are compelling you to live. Salvation deity keep descending one after another.

Corazon thoughts to himself sitting across the room as he silently watches Law and Marin unboxing the crates in that basement.

"You should take it with you, Otouto-san.🌼 It always snowy during the night lately." Marin shoves a box full of cotton towards Law.
"Here, put it all in this big box.
This one too.
This.. too.
This one...also good.
Another more..."

"It's enough! Our boat will sink!" Law finally protested when Marin keep piling almost everything they found from the crates on him.

"Really? Hmm.. you are not a greedy one, do you not?🌼"


"Who would have thought Miracle could resurrect a spoilt things too.." Marin wondered when she thinks about how her Miracle restored rotten bananas and cotton from the crates into a fresh one.

"You mean you don't know? Even it's your own ability?" Law asked Marin. Conversation with a stranger went natural for him - the boy who always shuts everyone before him. Partly because Marin being courteous and tactful, and another part because of Law's heart right now is at his best condition after his episodes of Flevance.

"Hm, I do not know about it. I never use it before too. Maybe, I can do more than that, seeing that there is more to what I have yet discover about mine ability. What about Otouto-san? What your ability can do?"

"I don't know yet.." Law stares at his hands with concern.

"Do not worry about that.🌼 Devil Fruit is a part of its user. Otouto-san will definitely understand it in no time. Trust me, I am, at least, a senior to you as ability user~!🌼"

"How Marin-san..how do you.. first discover your ability?" Law awkwardly addressed Marin in polite way, he is not use to polite speech eversince he left Flevance, and Corazon was the first person he opened up and called with respect lately.

"I..umm.. have this ‘feel’.."

"..Feel??" Law gave a sceptic look. His doubt is showing.

 His doubt is showing

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"Yes, it is true! ..But it also might be because mine ability is related to spiritual..that is why it involves feeling, is it not?
At that time, I merely think about what is angel and what does angel do, and then I attained this ‘feel’.. as if an idea suddenly popping up inside mine head."

"...So I need to think what surgeon do....?" Law also tries to see if it can help him to discover his Ope Ope ability too. He closes his eyes to help him focus.

"You are getting at it, yes? Do your best, Otouto-san!"

"Nope. I can't think anything..."

"Let us try again..! There is plenty of ways and methods to try.. When you had eaten a Devil Fruit, you already gain millions of possibility above normal person, yes?"

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