12. I Am Home

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It's about three month journey, hopping from one island to another before they reach a nameless island, i.e., the farthest island on North Blue. They could reach it earlier if they travel by faster ship or if they don't have to stop on one island and another. But, they need the pitstop on each island since long continuous journey on humble boat could worn their health out, especially for Law. Corazon carefully plan their schedule that way so Law can get his proper recuperation from Marin's Miracle. Law now already gotten used to his Ope Ope ability and keep on training on open surgery eversince. But he didn't start treating his White Lead Poisoning yet since this is his first surgery and major one at that, so he was carefully preparing and studying. He don't want to miscalculate anything.

His learning and training also fell behind his estimated time since they were on boat day in, day out. While training on boat had many drawback on its own, he often lack of experimental material and test subject too. But on the other hand, he had all the help he wanted. Both Corazon and Marin were supporting him endlessly and doubtlessly believe in him. They would oversee his surgical operation plan every single day by their own way of caring. That little act is what driving him forward and made him feel that they are in this together, that this is not just his problem alone.

Three months later, February, late afternoon, unknown island.

It is an island they aimed to go - the last island of North Blue. It is known to people of North Blue as 【at the end of the world's island】. Geographically, it wasn't located at the end of Earth - the pole - at all. It is just 70 degree North, but beyond that there are no island at all, only ice floes of Arctic. Thus, making this island an isolated island since there is no neighbouring island in close proximity to it. And the fact that it wasn't reigned by World Government and Navy made it more sequestered.

 And the fact that it wasn't reigned by World Government and Navy made it more sequestered

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Corazon and crews reached a coastal plain where tundra environment presides. They walk along the narrow coastal stretch of permafrost ground. Lies between the coast and the island's interior is a plain barren hill. Seeing how secluded this side is, it's probably an isolated coast of the island.

Law is in lively mood walking along Marin. Landing on new island always excites him. Three months passed had strengthen his bonds with Marin unnoticeably naturally. Corazon walks a little far from them, secretly watching Law in good mood. As long as Law is healthy, Corazon is grateful enough.

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