17. Festival

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In some merchant town of some island,

"Cora-san I found a nodachi blade I want."

"Where was it? Let's meet there after I finished my work."

"At the Famous Shop."

"A famous shop? Which?"

"Famous Shop!"

"Which famous shop is that shop??"

"The name is 【Famous Shop】!!"

" . . . .Uh okay. "

"I'll go first with Marin-san."

"Alright. Uh Law, did you see my sunglasses?"

 Uh Law, did you see my sunglasses?"

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Law gives Corazon a tired look. "It's on your head. *sigh* What's wrong with Cora-san today."

"Uh right. ."

Corazon rubbed his neck before leaving. He needs to get some work done in that island. He heard he could get some underworld information as well as Navy movement from certain organization in that island.

In newspaper, a small topic were raised. The fall of Cozia Island in East Blue in just a blink of eye by some unknown power. Due to lack of information nothing more could be revealed to public, leaving the news being overlooked. But according to Corazon's source, it was a work of Germa 66 few months ago.

Being in Stealth & Assassination Unit back when he was a Navy Officer, Corazon knew that much about Germa 66 existence. But information on Germa 66 was not something he looked for. Yet, it is still a necessary information to predict Doflamingo's movement.

Germa 66 once ruled the North Blue underworld and those warmonger ‘businesses’. But to hear them getting the job so far in East Blue, that could mean one thing: they no longer reign over North Blue. And that marked Donquixote Pirates as a new ruler of North Blue's underworld now.

As of now, Donquixote Pirates rapidly gaining name and power in themselves. Many organization have become either their subordinate or associate. Their group has become large and complex. A simple plan and direct attack are irrelevant to use on them now. Considering how his infiltration plan had been aborted, Corazon needs to recalculate his plan. Stealth aproach won't work anymore. He needs to rely on other units, especially after his sudden withdrawal. Afterall, this big case were lead by several unit, including Vice Admiral Tsuru's Naval Strategy & Tactic Unit, with Admiral Sengoku as their supervisor.


Inside【Famous Shop】, an antique and collectible shop, Marin and Law are sighting the displays of antique armory.

"Look strong, is it not? And shiny too."

"I like the one that boasted big shoulder-guard."

"Ah looking like an impressive warrior. .like this Landsknecht soldier dress, you mean?"

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