19. Cursed

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The next morning, Marin who has just arrived from 3 days and 3 nights journey went straight to Corazon and Law's room. She wanted to tell them first so they could set sail together immediately. She knew they must be aching to get on sea again. She was so excited that she almost running in the manor hall but what awaits her only a cleaning maid inside an empty room.

"They had left at the afternoon yesterday." The maid told her.

"They left..?"

"Oh my, what happened? Did they left thee alone.., My Lady?" The maid sneered at Marin. Gotten impudent after she and the rest of household had been informed to cancel the Lord wedding banquet.

They left me...」 Marin feels like crying. She suddenly realizes her significance before Corazon and Law. She wasn't any important to them like how she thought.

What should she do now? After three long days, patiently put up with the journey together with Benneth for the sole purpose of properly refuse his feeling towards her, and after finally able to find closure, she was lost at this tremendous news.

She hopes this news doesn't catched to Benneth ear. Or he might want to take back his decision to give up his feeling for her.

Three days ago, after dinner, at Benneth garden.

"Marin, sweetheart, thou art too rush to refuse mine proposal, are thou not?" Benneth said to Marin after she told him that she couldn't possibly be his wife. "I believe I deserve a fair chance,... unless thou already bethrothed to another man?"

"I am not."

"Courted...perhaps?" He asked cautiously.

"I am not."

"Did thou feel reluctant because of the goodmen of thy companion?"

Marin nodded.

"Thou had taken liking to them more than sail mates?"

"Yes. Senchou-san and Law-kun were good towards me. I am not bethinking of marrying anyone as of now. I merely wanted to travel by their side."

What Benneth fear the most had proven to be true. Her heart already been claimed. Of course it's natural for someone to follow what they love or rather - 'who' they love. But Benneth know Marin is still in the dark of her feeling towards her captain and Benneth is definitely not going to enlighten her. He won't admit defeat to Corazon yet. So he says,ー

"ーAh, thou art really fond of sailing, are thou not? I wish I was a sailor too...so I could live sailing with thee."

"I am glad mine words could reach thee, Lord Benneth." Marin was delighted, thinking Benneth finally understand her refusal.

"But, come together with me to a journey first, before thou shall say no."

". . . Eh?"

"Give me a last chance, at least, sweetheart."

"I. .I am afraid mine answer would not change. ." Marin made her rejection clear.

"I know. Thou art never falter yet tenderhearted Lady I admire. But this is a different journey. I am not asking thee to spend time with me on leisure journey. But we shall embark far to the East seeking answer from the Great Seer who can see fate."

"Great Seer... the legendary psychic?"

"Whether thou art really or not mine fated bride, God already has the answer in His written fate. Let us ask the Great Seer to see it."

"But it is really possible to meet her? It is a place too far. And the road are dangerous. That is why not many able to meet that great psychic."

"Yes, in a way it shows our sincerity in seeking her help. My sweetheart, I would gladly face any obstacles if it means to convince thee. I truly believe in the Great Seer blessed power of seeing. And I believe in mine love for thee. We shall get our answer."

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