2. An Angel With A Witch Appearance

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"Onii-san, please let me see your back." The woman asked kindly. Corazon obediently removes his feathered jacket revealing the back of his shirt full of gun shot holes and bloods. Law and the woman gasping in surprised.

"I thought it is only one wound..who would have thought it is this bad!" She hurriedly hover her raven-gloved hand above the wounds.

"Stupid Cora-san!" Law got all work up and teary but he immediately give up on scolding Corazon, thinking the big man is a patient now. Corazon expression remain quiet and blank.

Suddenly two bullets fall from Corazon gun shot wounds below her hovering hands. One from her right hand, and another one from her left hand. Law stunned.

"Magic! You are absolutely a witch isn't it?!" He's all worked up again but sound astonished at the same time. The woman let out a small friendly chuckles upon the curious boy.

 The woman let out a small friendly chuckles upon the curious boy

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"My name is Marin. I am a Devil Fruit eater. I can cause miracle.. 🌼 that is why I can heal without touching or seeing the injury.. but..for the wounds as bad as this.. it would still take a long time to heal."

"How long Cora-san can be heal??" Law asked worriedly.

"Luckily it did not wounded the heart.. yet it is still a deep wound.. probably damaging his other organs. Maybe.. this Onii-san had been shot from a short distance. I am surprised how can he still standing right now, what a strong willpower.. Hence, with this remarkable body strength, I would say maybe a week or two...if using my ability."

"Look, woman, we don't have time to wait for healing. Quickly explain what do you know about us." Corazon stressed his urgency but his voice remain monotonous.

"Err.. actually.. about that.. I- I don't know anything about you both, you both are stranger to me... uh..-" Marin stuttered in front of Corazon seriousness. He scares her. Meanwhile Corazon began to think he is wasting his time here. The signs of him leaving in anytime is obvious.

"..but meeting me will change your fate!" Marin put her words hastily, everything was to make her intention reach these clueless people she just met, unknowing how it definitely doesn't sound sane in Corazon ears.

"Oi..oi.." Corazon thinks this is absurd. "Law, we are done here." Corazon had it enough and going to leave the woman.

"W- wait..! ..please, I can explain...! Right now, I myself want to know what is happening to me too. How do I explain it for you to understand..? uhh.. er.. Onii-san, what actually are you going to do? Where are you rushing?" Marin spoke desperately swift. The panic and uneasiness with Corazon that already stands up to walk away made her speech very confusing. Her hands keep chasing Corazon's back. Another two bullets fell out the wounds.

Corazon sighs. Apparently, being cold towards a civilian was unnecessary.

"Look at the sky, there is something like weird cage isn't it?" Corazon pointed out to the sky from the windowless gap on the wall. Carefully not to be seen by the rampaging Barrels Pirates out there.

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