25. Respectable Saviour

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"Marin. Ma.Rin. Maa.Riin.."

"Why Cora-san keeps repeating Marin-san's name?" Law is re-reading the book he got by being cunning earlier this day.

"Because I can call my bride by her name now~"

"Is that bragging? Unbelievable."

"No, I'm practising on calling her name for tomorrow.~"

"And so why Cora-san is practicing here? At MY sleeping territory?" By now Law never bothered to ask why Corazon is doing such absurd practice anymore.

"Because I don't want my bride to be bothered by my practice.~"

"So I can be bothered instead?? Go away Cora-san!"

"No way! I'm staying here to practice with you."

"I don't want to! I have work! And then I want to sleep! It's already midnight!"

"Listen Law, I have another ambition now."

"Don't just ignore what I said!!"

"I want to be a great hand-holder husband." Corazon hugs a pillow, his face clearly shows a perfect happiness.

"Cora-san ignored me again! And what is this ‘great hand-holder’ suppose to be now?!"

"It's the ultimate hand-holding technique that can make my bride's hand feel assuring and warm!⭐️"

"Just buy a heater for her!"

"How could you said that..? Did you think a heater can touch a human heart?! Where is your heart that can feel warmth from someone hand?!"

"What's this nonsense?! Go awaaaayyy! Go to your egg-wife's place!"

"Are you kidding?! I can't do that. What if my bride noticed I stared at her sleeping face the whole night?! She might think I'm creepy!"

"What's this sudden crime confession? Then sleep normally! Don't stare at her!"

"I might not able to control myself from staring her!"

"I might not able to control myself from staring her!"

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"Huh? Law you too think I'm a creep?" Corazon's tone changed. Law thought he might overstepping a boundary and offended Corazon.

"Huh? Not really.. Cora-san is a stupid clumsy big oaf, remember? Not a creepy pervert yet.." Law said rather worried, tried to make up for his sharp comment earlier.

"Thank you. But I'm afraid I already develop a creep symptoms. Law, you're a doctor please treat me."

"Don't consult me some absurd disease!" Law worries goes to nought. Corazon is simply a dork.

"A kind doctor shouldn't refuse a patient! Today I did many things a creep always do, like making my bride touch my chest, almost drooling when I look at her and now I'm planning to stare her sleeping face! I'm seriously ill!"

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