9. Shaping The Future With You

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"Cora-san, where are we going?"

"To the next land we found." Answered the tall guy who already changed his cloth to his usual knitwear. His face also not stained by blood anymore, leaving only the fresh bruises and cuts.

"Cora-san,..." The boy fidgets.

"What's wrong, Law?" The man's attention, with some unnecessary amount of worry, is 100 percent on the boy who can't meet his eyes.

"I want to show you this.. I'm practicing this with Marin-san's help." Law said, being rather timid.


A small pebble moves by itself and plunges into the water. The boy still can't meet the adult eyes.

"LAW!! THAT'S GREAT!! Finally, you can cure yourself now!!" Corazon literally screaming his throat out while lifting the boy up out of the blue. Their boat rocks at his rigorous movement.

 Their boat rocks at his rigorous movement

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https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/5742066 (カカレオ)

"See!? Am I being right!? Like I always said, you will live, Law..!! ..Thank god!" Corazon put back the boy down, feeling very gratified. Big wide grin never leaves his feature.

"..Not yet..I still need more time to master the right technique.. and get it completely cure.." Law still timidly disagrees but he doesn't sound too pessimist like he used to, deep down he hopes to survive this too. He will do his best!

"You will, Law. You will have the time! I know you will." Of course Corazon do not know it for sure, it was more like giving him a support rather than assuring him.

But those words was enough to make the boy secretly beaming inside. . .


Rubeck Island, North Blue.
Later at that night.

Thanks to the wind blowing to the west, they managed to reach Rubeck shore on early night. It is the southeast coast of the island where it's all sand and stone.

They set up a camp on a site where the falling snow can't reach the ground, due to being blocked by a plateau of limestone hill. It is still a cold area to camp on, but, it was drier than the other places regardless.

 It is still a cold area to camp on, but, it was drier than the other places regardless

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