Chapter 20.

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(A/N: I have writer's block, so I'm sorry if this chapter is really shitty. My friends and sister keep pestering me and I have a bunch of after school stuff, so sorry if updates get slow.)

Your Point of View:  

Okay, this had to be the most uncomfortable car ride in the history of car rides.  

You sat smushed between Leo and Jake in the backseat of Cassidy's car, Nico sitting in the passenger's seat.  No one has said a word the entire time, which has been about an hour so far.  You cleared your throat uncomfortably and glanced at Cassidy.  She was glaring at the road.  You were about to speak up and break the awkward silence, but Jake beat you to it. 

"So...You alright, Cassidy?" He asked the teen tentatively. She quickly glanced back at the three of you, a look of puzzlement crossing her extremely pale face. 

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She asked, genuine confusion clear in her tone.  

"Well, before we left, you looked ready to kill someone," he said with a slight chuckle.  

She herself chuckled. 

"Just trying to figure out what the fuck my sister got herself into this time," she replied, shaking her head exasperatedly. 

You and Leo laughed. "You and me, both," Nico mumbled, a slight chuckle in his words.  

The scenery of northern Vermont sped by your window, snowy trees and fields passing your sight as the car sped down the road.  Your eyes started to slide shut, your body leaning into Leo's side.  In your drowsy state, you heard him chuckle, and felt his arm wrap around your waist.  His other hand pushed your head down onto his shoulder. 

With these last moments, you slowly drifted off to sleep. 


"Gah..." You open your eyes to hear a distressed groan that wasn't yours.  Wiping the sleep out of your eyes with the heels of your hands, you look at your surroundings.  The room you're in is frigid, and seemingly made out of ice.  The walls are a transparent blue, the floor a bit darker.  Your heart rate speeds up when realization hits you. 

You're not in the car. 

And your friends are nowhere to be found.

"..Argh..." You hear another groan.  You snap your eyes in the direction of the noise.  

You shallow your breathing, hoping not to be heard.  You reach your hand down to your wrist, about to push the weapon-equipping bracelet.  

Only to discover that your weapon is missing.  

"Well, shit," You mumble, growling under your breath.  Now that you look around, the room that your in is more of a hallway, leading to what looked like a igloo-like jail cell.  Having no other (or better) option, you slowly make your way down the corridor.  You crouch slightly, being ready for anything.  Its not like anything could sneak up on you.  The hallway was tight and extremely cold, with nowhere anthing-or anyone- could be lying in wait.  

" f-fucking c-c-cold," you hear the voice again.  It worried you; this didn't sound like a monster.  You sped up your pace.  When you reached the room, you had absolutely know idea how to get in.  The igloo was completely sealed, no door or window to get in or out.  But it didn't take much to get in.  The second you placed your hand on the smooth surface of the cell, an archway melted, leaving an entrance. 

What you saw made your heart break. 

A figure was curled on the ice floor of the prison, shivering uncontrolably.  You could distinctly hear the chattering of their teeth as their body tremors with every shuddering breath.  Their long, chocolate brown hair fanned out behind them (they were facing away from you), covered in frost, all the way to the teal tips. 

Wait, teal tips

Your heart stops as you step closer to the mystery person, getting a better look at their face.  


She looked so weak and fragile, which was a big difference from the usually bubbly and strong girl.  Patterns of white and blue frost had traveled up the entire right side of her body, stopping at her right eye.  

Oh Gods, her eye. 

Your heart clenched as you ran to the side of your fallen sister.  "Nikki!" You yelped.  She didn't seem to hear you.  You put your hand on her rapidly shaking shoulder.

Only to have your hand pass right through. 

"What...?" You breathed in disbelief.  

Then, everything went black. 


Your eyes snap open.  You give out a small yelp.  

"Hey, hey, are you alright, sweetheart?" Leo asks from beside you, his arm tightening around your waist.  

Great, another vision. 

You shook your head. 

"Floor it," you said, barely audible. 

"What?" You hear Cassidy ask from the front seat. 

You yell this time.

"Floor it!"

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