Chapter 30.

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(A/N: I get so happy seeing notifications and comments :D
Sorry if this chapter is a bit shitty :/ didn't have much time.
Shout out to Galactic_Dinosaur for giving me ideas :3

Goddammit I love you guys <3)

Your Point of View:

'Oh, shit.'

Galloping was heard, getting louder by the second, signaling the arrival of everyone's favorite centaur; Chiron.
Striding next to him, trying his hardest to keep up, was everyone's favorite cranky god, Dionysus.

Or Mr. D, as everyone calls him.

In his right hand was a bag of chips, and in his left hand was a...

Lawn chair?

He quickly (well, as quick as you can be against a centaur) ran in front of the now cantering Chiron, moved to the front of the crowd of demigod spectators, and set up his lawn chair.

He sat down, conjuring a can of soda, and opened his bag of chips.

"Alright," he started. "Continue."

"Mr. D!" Chiron exclaimed. "You should not encourage this type of behavior!"

Dionysus sighed.
"I suppose your right. You two, big house, now," he said, pointing to you and Calypso.

You and Calypso sighed, then, with one glance back at Nikki and Leo, you head off towards your impending punishment.

~Let's go to the Big House, shall we?~

You tap your foot on the wooden floor in irritation, glancing at the masked that were weaved together with vines that lined the walls.

Seymour, the stuffed leopard that's hanging above the fireplace, growled lightly at you and Calypso, sensing the tension in the air. You and the goddess never made eye contact, both fearing another onslaught of insults to come tumbling out of your mouths.

The front door clicked open, allowing a now wheelchair-ridden Chiron and a disappointed Mr. D. into the room. Nikki and Leo trailed behind them.

Mr. D. walked up to Seymour with a packet of Snausages, took one out, and threw it into the gaping maw that was the leopard's mouth. Seymour gobbled it up, running his tongue over his lips as he smacked them together.

"Where the hell do the Snausages go?" Nikki asked, taking a seat next to Chiron.

"Use that imagination," he replied with a chuckle.

Leo took a seat down next to you, trying to wrap his arm around your shoulders. In all honesty, you wanted to let him keep his arm there. But you remembered how he didn't push her off when she kissed him. You shrugged your shoulder, slipping his arm off.

He gave you an upset and extremely sad glance, his hand returning to his side.

He understood how you were feeling, but it still hurt him to see you giving him the cold shoulder. He loved you, but the shock of seeing his first love was enough to render him motionless.

He's gotta make this up to you.

"Girls," Chiron began. "I'm not entirely sure what happened out there, but it definitely was not a warm welcome to the arriving heroes."

You looked down in shame (not for your insults, those were badass) for disappointing Chiron.

"It was pretty funny, though," Nikki intervened, gaining a smirk from Mr. D.

Calypso glared at her a bit, before diverting her attention to Leo, who was still sitting relatively close to you.

"I think you children should work this out on your own," Chiron said, wheeling himself into the next room, followed by Mr. D.

Nikki gave you all a quick thumbs-up before retreating into the next room with them.

It was silent.

Completely silent.

Leo fidgeted frequently, his gaze flicking from you to the bitchy goddess on the other side of the couch.
Seymour roared a bit, causing all of you to jump. He shook his head, almost as if in disapproval of your grudging natures.

You sighed, trying to be the bigger man here.

"Sorry, for starting the insult war."

Calypso looked at you, raising an eyebrow.

"You should be apologizing for keeping me away from Leo," she said, sticking her nose in the air.

You growled, beginning to stand.

Leo held your arm, keeping you on the couch, and you let him.

"Calypso," he started. "It was just the curse that made you fall in love with me. I realized that a long time ago, that you just wanted off of the island.

"Look, (Y/N) makes me happy, and if you can't accept that, well, go back to Ogygia."

You and Calypso both stared in shock.

"But I'm off the island! The curse is broken! I still love you! That's got to mean something," She exclaimed, standing up, fists balled at her sides.

Leo looked at her in confusion. How did this happen? Is this something that has to do with the whole 'disappearing demigods' business?

"I-I'm sorry," he said quietly.

She sat back down, staring at the floor.

You looked over at Leo, smiling slightly and grabbing his hand.

"No hard feelings, right, Calypso?" You tentatively asked.

She looked up, her eyes a bit glossy.

"If he's happy, I'm happy."

You all smiled, glad you could come to an understanding.

A shout erupted from the other room.

"So that's where the Snausages go!"

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