Chapter 6.

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(A/N: I didn't get a lot of comments on my question last chapter, but they said to add me as a sister, approving the idea. I'm sorry if your name is the same as mine XD

Your Point of View:

"So... Are we on tomorrow night?"
Your (E/C) eyes widened in surprise as your heartbeat quickened. A large crimson blush found its way onto your face, once again, as you tried to make your voice reply.

Happiness filled up like a balloon in your chest making you smile widely at Leo, who's own eyes glistened with hope at seeing your gorgeous little face break out into that grin after he asked you out.

Your voice was delayed by the lump of excitement in your throat.
So you resorted to actions.

You promptly glomped your Latino Santa's elf, squealing happily. Said elf let out a yelp of surprise, which quickly turned into elated giggles.

"Is this a yes?" He chuckled hopefully, silently wishing he wasn't misreading the situation.

"No duh!" You yelled playfully at him, snuggling your head against his warm chest.

Realizing the position you were in, you reluctantly let go of your suffocating hug and smiled an adorable close-eyed smile at Leo. His face almost completely matched yours.

He was filled with relief that you wanted to go out with him. Even though he didn't want to risk losing your friendship, he couldn't help himself any longer. And the situation with the other boy was just perfect timing for him.

"Great! This is great!" He says excitedly. "Wait till I tell Piper," he whispered to you with a smirk. You started laughing joyfully, fully aware about Piper's OTP. Over the weeks that you've been at camp, you made great friends with the other campers, such as Percy, Piper, Annabeth, even the Stoll Brothers.

You also have a sister that you've become really close to. Her name is Nikki.


"Well, I gotta go change before dinner," Leo said, glancing down at his grease-stained overalls. "Let's hope I don't look like this on our date." He scratched his head sheepishly with a shy smile.

"No, I like you this way, Leo. It's more you," you replied to him, giving him a chaste peck on the cheek. He turned fifty shades of red.

"See you later, Leo!" You called over your shoulder as you made your way towards your cabin.

~~Time skip to the Cabin~~

"Nikki!" You called out into the nearly empty cabin. Most of your siblings had already gone down to the dining pavilion, but knowing your sister, she would stay back a bit in order to catch up on her reading. Or to smuggle cheesecake into her room. Either one.

Your suspicions were confirmed when you saw the familiar brunette trying-and failing- to hide a box of cheesecake while sauntering to her room. Her brown eyes, full of large green flecks that take up the center by the iris, snap up to you. A guilty expression then makes it's way onto her face, turning her pale cheeks pink.

"Don't tell Chiron," she said with a small pout. It wasn't a question. It was more of an order.
You giggled.
"Yeah, yeah, you and your sweets," you countered playfully.
She smiled a cheery smile, beckoning you into her room.

"So, (Y/N)," she said as she placed her cheesecake on her desk. "What'cha need? Need revenge on someone? Connor, Travis, and I got a new shipment of stink bombs," she said, bouncing around excitedly.

You shifted your weight from foot to foot, trying to figure out how to come across this situation. How were you gonna tell her that you were going on a date with Leo? She can be pretty overprotective. Especially with her siblings.

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