Chapter 21.

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(A/N: Returning a shoutout to King_Of_The_Peacocks
Her story is a Teddy Lupin x Reader.
So, if you like Harry Potter, like me, go ahead and read it!


Your Point of View:

"Floor it!"

The car wheels screech against the asphalt of the road as Cassidy slams her foot on the pedal.

Jake yelps as everyone braces themselves, your backs pressing against the seat, almost sinking into them completely.

"The hell are you thinking?!" Nico yells over the roar of the engine.

"We need to get there, fast! There isn't much time!" Was your reply.

Cassidy didn't seem to question it.

The scenery passed by even faster now, becoming a blur of greens, blues, and whites.

Jake sounded like he was praying.
You giggled, seeing the terrified face of your brother.

Leo was no better.
He looked like he was on the verge on crying or screaming.

As the world past by at an alarming rate, you focused your attention ahead of you, a newfound determination decorating your features as you crossed the border to Canada.

"Identification, please."

The man in the red uniform tapped two of his fingers on the rolled-down window, waiting for Cassidy to hand him her passport.

Buuuut, she didn't have her passport.

None of you did, actually.
Not the brightest idea when traveling out of the country, huh?

"Uh, I must've left it in my other pants," Cassidy nervously chuckled, causing you all to sweatdrop.

"No identification, no entry," he repeated.

The nervous smile dropped from Cassidy's face as she sighed in irritation. She snapped her fingers in front of the officer's face.

"We're getting through, no questions asked. You don't need our passports."

The officer blinked, his pupils dialating.

"Of course, ma'am," he said, stepping aside and raising the gate.

She drove forward, leaving you slack-jawed at the sudden action. "The hell?" You mumbled. "Was that charmspeak?"

"Nope," she simply replied, not giving any further explanation.

Way to go at being all mysterious and shit, Cassidy.

Soon enough, you all arrive in a small village in Quebec, little wooden shops and stands and vendors littering the streets. The whole place provided a calming atmosphere, setting you slightly at ease. Leo took notice of this and kissed the side of your head as a reassureance. You smiled at his gesture.

"Get out of my car, bitches," Cassidy announced as the vehicle came to a stop. Leo, who was on your right, opened the car door and stepped out, reaching a hand back towards to to help you out.

"So gentlmanly," you commented with a smirk. He only gave you a goofy smile in return.

When you stepped out, the cold, Canadian air hit your (S/C) cheeks. The chilly wind nipped at your ears as you pulled the collar of your jacket up higher. Good thing you brought it. Leo noticed your discomfort and pulled you into his side, instantly warming you up.

Looking up, you notice that your at a ski lodge. Hundreds of families were laughing and wobbling through the snow, all bulked-up in heavy snow gear. Chatter and lauging and the crying of frightened little kids drowned out your thoughts as Cassidy and Nico led you all forward towards the entrance of the lodge. Leo's grip tightened on you.

Your head snapped up to him, only to see him looking off into the distnance. You followed his gaze.

Your heart skipped a beat.

A wind spirit was fluttering about, completely unnoticed by the mortal eye due to the power of the mist. He had white hair, as white as the snow, and was wearing a hockey jersey. His wings beat up and down, keeping him stationary in the air. His gaze was locked onto your small group.

The only thing that really startled you was the fact that he wasn't attacking.

You flicked your gaze back ahead of you, then to the rest of your surroundings.

How many god damn storm spirits can there be?!

Same as the first one, they stayed put, not advancing toward you, not making any threatening movements, nothing.

You freaked out a bit.

A burst of warm air hit your body as the large wooden doors of the ski lodge were pushed open by Jake and Nico, the two then proceeding to hold it open for you, Cassidy, and Leo.

You all speed-walked through the crowds of people, trying to get to the very back of the enormous building. You shoved random patrons on the way, not even bothering to turn around and apologize, earning you some dirtly looks and scoffs.

Without security noticing, the four of you slip into the "Employees Only" section of the lodge. The small room was filled with boxes of broken ski equipment and old newspaper clippings littering the floor. A door was at the other end of the room, the door made of metal and looked like that of a meat locker. The five of you advance towards it, broken bits of plastic and crumpled up paper crackling under your feet.

Jake places a shaking hand on the doorknob, twists it, and yanks it open with a grunt. You file in, Leo being last (behind you), and closing the door behind you. The pathway that you stepped into is colder than the outside was. The walls were a transparent blue, very shiny, and very cold, just like in your vision. You click the gem on your bracelet, having it transform into your (weapon of choice). Cassidy flips her paintbrush, it turning into that menacing-looking, double-ended sythe. The others follow your leads.

"We're wasting time just standing here, c'mon," Nico grumbles, sprinting up the passage way. You follow him.

The corridor seems endless, constantly twisting and turning every which way possible.

After what seemed like forever, the hallway widened, turning into a large room, covered in patterns of frost and snow. The five of you stand in the middle, back to back, covering each other from all angles. You clench your hands tighter around your (weapon of choice) in nervousness as you attempted to steady your breathing. You wanted to keep everyone safe. You wanted to find Nikki.

You wanted to get back to camp. You wanted to stay with Leo.

Your train of thought derails as a smooth, almost snobby voice echoes throughout the room.

"Hello, Demigods."

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