Valentine's Day Bonus

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(A/N: Our quest has ended (for now), and I decided that we needed some happiness up in this bitch, since I pulled a full on Riordan last chapter XD
So, I guess this is an apology...?
This is a Valentine's Day bonus chapter for the reader and Leo.
Have fun!)

Leo's hands worked furiously on attaching the last slip of paper to the rough, manilla pages of the book.

You see, dear reader, today is Valentine's Day.

Leo has been working non-stop for the last week on trying to make the perfect gift for you. Material objects from a store that has no moral value wasn't good enough for you, he had decided. You were also just leaving the grieving process, your brother, Jake, dying just 2 months ago. He needed to make something that would blow you away and make sure you knew that he loved you, and something that would bring that beautiful smile back to your face.

But while he's been cooped up in Bunker 9 working on this gift, he hasn't realized he's been neglecting you a bit.
Currently, your sitting dejectedly at your cabin's table, picking at your food with a fork. The corners of your mouth are quirked downwards into a sad frown, your heart sinking into your stomach.

Today is Valentine's Day, and you thought you were gonna spend the day with your adorkable Repair Boy, Leo Valdez.

But he hasn't come out of Bunker 9 in a week.

You got worried multiple times, going in to check on him. But every time he shooed you out of the room in a worried manner.

Did he get bored of you?
Is he cheating on you?

These thoughts of you losing your Flame Brain almost brought you to tears.

"Something wrong, (Y/N)?"

You turn around to see Piper and Annabeth looking at you with worried stares, your usually optimistic mood completely dissipated.

You sigh and force a smile, one that they can see right through.

The two of them exchange a glance, then sit on either side of you.

"What happened?" Piper was the first to ask.

You shook your head, not wanting to share.

"Don't make me beat it out of you," Annabeth threatened. You gulped.

"Today's Valentine's Day," you started. "And Leo hasn't come out of the Bunker all week. He's been acting suspicious..." You trailed off.

Piper sighed, looking at you sympathetically.

"I know your upset, but believe me. Leo would never do something like that to you. He loves you too much," she assured you. Her face suddenly turned into one of irritation.

"Though, I'm going to figure out why he's been neglecting you," she said as she stood from the table, walking away.

You sighed, turning your attention to Annabeth.

"You sure your okay?" She looked at you sadly. You knew what she was hinting towards.

"He's in paradise. He deserves it. Nikki isn't doing as well, though," was your reply. You smiled sheepishly.
Annabeth copied your sigh.

"I just hope Piper isn't giving Leo a hard time..."

~Currently at Bunker 9~

"Leo Valdez, get your ass to the door and let me in!" Piper yelled to the cooped-up son of Hephaestus.

Said Repair Boy peeks out of the Bunker, only to be met with the enraged face of one of his best friends, Piper McLean.

"Hey, Pipes," he said casually, gesturing her inside.

Bring It On, Valdez (Leo Valdez x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now