Chapter 13.

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(A/N: sUSPENSE. okay we have a three day weekend so I can work on updates moreeeee. Warning: this one's pretty long)

Your Point of View:

"Need a ride, demigods?"

Your eyes widened as three extremely gray and wrinkly women poked their heads out of the car window. Their hair was red, matted and graying, and they kind of looked and sounded like grandmas.

That's not what freaked you out.

What freaked you out was that only the one in the driver's seat had an eye.

Key word: An eye.

She had one crystal blue eyeball in her right socket. The other one was empty, and the other two hags eye sockets were empty.

The eye swiveled up and down, back and forth, looking you all over.
You shifted uncomfortably as her gaze hit you.

"The Gray Sisters," Leo mumbled to you. "They run the taxi firm."


Not the weirdest thing you've seen.

Nico opened the door of the cab, motioning for you all to go in first.

"Ladies first," Leo bowed to you as you shoved him playfully.

You slid into the taxi seat all the way on the other end, the fraying fabric sticking slightly to your clothes.
Leo grabbed his and your bags, shoved them on the floor, and slid in next to you, placing his arm around your waist as you buckled up.

Jake then slid in, followed by Nico. Nico crinkled his nose in obvious discomfort, being pushed close together in a small taxi.

The Gray Sisters looked back at you four as you took off at an incredibly fast speed, making you shift, trying to hide yourself from that one eyeball's gaze.
They smiled, revealing to you that the middle sister, the largest one, had one tooth. That was more than you could say for the others.

One eyeball, and one tooth.

"Where to-"


"Demigods?" They said one by one, finishing each other's thoughts.
The car lurched from left to right, dodging cars in traffic and causing you all to hold on to the closest objects to sustain balance.

"How far can you take us?" Leo responded, rushing the words out.


"Out of the country," the far right sister finished for the one in the driver's seat.

"I wanted to say that!" The middle one cried.

"Too bad, so sad," the right one taunted.

"Girls! We have a job to do!" The left one scolded, to no avail.

"I want to see them!" The middle one proclaimed, yanking the eyeball from the left sister.

"Hey! The driver needs too see!" The right one lurched for the eye blindly, causing the taxi to swerve slightly on the sidewalk. You all screamed in surprise.
The middle sister shoved the eye into her left socket, blinking a few times to let the eye adjust.

"Ooh, four little demigods," she cooed.

"Oh, come on! They have somewhere to go!" The left one complained while smacking the middle sister in the back of the head.

Successfully knocking the eyeball out of her socket.

And into Jake's lap.

That must've been the girliest scream you've ever heard.

You and Leo bust out laughing as Jake flails at the eyeball that's resting on his lap, swiveling from person to person.
His flailing arm slapped it, sending it flying...straight onto your lap.

You froze as it stared at you. Leo tried to contain his giggles as your eyes progressively widened.

"Give it-"



The sisters yelled.

You picked it up between your thumb and your forefinger and flung it in between the sisters, cringing at the slimy feeling. They squabbled loudly as the taxi cab twisted and turned at a speed no one thought was possible. Leo held onto you tightly, trying to keep you upright and safe. Jake had his eyes clenched shut, his form rigid. Nico had his elbow rested against the door handle, his head on his hand as he stared out of the window in boredom.

"Did we even tell them where we need to go?" You yell to your three companions.

"We need to get to Canada's border!" Jake yelled up to the bickering sisters.

"Whatever!" They yelled in unison, then immediately continuing their argument.

"Uh, how much will that cost?" Jake asked apprehensively.

"20 drachmas," the middle sister replied quickly.

"Uh, guys? How much do we have?" Everyone checked the compartments of their backpacks, their pockets, anywhere some money could be.

You had 1.
Leo had none.
Jake had two.
Nico had 5.

"Uh," Jake started. "We don't have enough," he said sheepishly.

"What?!" The Gray Sisters yelled in unison, the taxi lurching to a stop. You all flew forward, Leo holding onto you with all his might as you buried your head into his chest.

The next thing you know, your asses are on the pavement as three grumbling witches drive away at lightning speed.

"Well, shit," you mutter.

"Where are we now?" Jake asked as you all stood up, dusting pebbles and dirt off of your clothes. You looked around the city you were in, looking for any indication of where you were.

"Vermont," you hear Nico mumble.
"Okay, where do we need to be?" You uttered.

"Quebec, Canada."

"Close enough," Leo said brightly, trying to lighten the mood.

"Let's find somewhere to stay for the night. We start for Quebec by morning," Nico commanded.

You all walked in a close-knit group, looking around for any sign of an inn.

"Look at this!" Leo yelped, dragging you to a small stand on the sidewalk. There were stuffed animals lining the wooden walls of the stand, stacks of papers on the table, and "I love Vermont" hats on racks. Jake and Nico followed close behind.
"Can we have a map of the city, please?" Leo asked the vendor. The man smiled, handing Leo a small pamphlet and a stuffed bear.

"For your girlfriend," the man said with a smile, gesturing to the bear. You blushed and Leo smiled, thanking the man as he handed you the teddy.

You cuddled it lightly as the four of you looked over the map, searching for a place to stay the night.

"There!" You pointed out. "The Motor Inn. Cheap enough to stay one night. And it's not too far from here."

"It's settled," Nico said. "Let's get going."

You take off down the street, twisting and turning according to the map. You couldn't help but get the feeling that someone was watching you, making you glance back over your shoulder every so often.

Only when you passed an alley did you notice anything else. You froze in place, staring into the dark alleyway, seeing something gold glinting in the darkness. Leo and the others must've noticed it too, because they started to take out their weapons. You pressed a gem on your bracelet, it immediately turning into your (weapon of choice).
A low hissing started to emit from the alley, causing you all to back up in surprise. As five figures emerged with sharp spears and two trunk-like tails where their legs should be.

Scythian Dracanae.

To be continued...

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