Chapter 17.

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(A/N: Can I just thank @Lunafur1 for all the comments today? Seriously, when I saw the comments, it made my day a lot less shitty because I'm sick XD And I can no longer write this story during study hall because I got caught by the principal writing the last chapter XD
But yeah.)

Your Point of View:
"I can smell them, too.
The demigods."

As you heard the lady whisper this sentence to her chihuahua, or what you thought was a chihuahua, you instinctively grabbed onto Leo's jacket sleeve. He was currently fiddling with gears and pipe cleaners that he stored in his coat pockets, trying to make a small airplane. He didn't notice when your grip on him tightened.

Nico's eyes never left the woman, and he made no advance towards her. Yeah, trying to approach a possible threat with mortals on a moving vehicle? Not the best idea. You fiddled with the (favorite color) gem on your bracelet, keeping your eyes locked on the woman.

"Hey," Leo whispered into your ear, making you jump.
"Woah, there. What's wrong?" He said, taking your cold hand into his warm one.
You jerked your head towards the woman in the middle of the bus, the one talking to her pet about 'smelling demigods'. Hmm. I wonder what demigod smells like.

His gaze followed yours, looking at the woman puzzlingly. "Sooo, a crazy lady talking to a chihuahua. Not the weirdest thing I've ever seen," he said with a playful smirk and a raised eyebrow. His words fell upon deaf ears. You didn't move your gaze from the strange woman.

"Jake, what's up with them?" Leo whispered to the (H/C) haired boy next to him, jerking his thumbs at his girlfriend and Nico.

Jake looked up from the book he was reading, glancing at his companions. He shrugged, swerving his head, trying to follow their gaze.

The bus hit its first stop, the man sleeping suddenly jerking awake, the newspaper covering his face hitting the floor. He scrambled up, grabbing a leather briefcase, and practically ran out of the door. No one boarded. The bus driver closed the door and sped off to the next stop.

Another stop passed, and the couple and mother-son duo stepped off the bus. The woman with the jittery dog stayed.
Again, no one boarded.

One more stop until you hit the university.

The woman slowly stood from her seat on the bus, the dog following her lead.

"Uh, ma'am," the bus driver said, looking at her through the rearview mirror.
"The bus is still moving, please take a seat."

She paid him no mind as she slowly turned around. A sickeningly sweet smile was spread across her chubby cheeks.

"Four little half-bloods, oh my!" She said with a menacing enthusiasm.
Your heart pounded against your ribcage as the driver glanced back at you nervously. Damn, this must be confusing for him.

Her lips curled upwards, showing two rows of spike-like teeth.

"Ohhhh-kay," you hear Leo say with wide eyes. "That's what you were looking at."

The four of you slowly stood, unleashing your weapons. You pressed the (favorite color) gem on your wrist, getting into a fighting stance, now holding your (weapon of choice). The others followed your lead.

The woman chuckled.

"Silly, silly," she chided. "Sweetums, handle this for mommy, will you?" She directed the words at the growling-and shaking- chihuahua.

Or what was the chihuahua.

What used to be a tiny, tan, and not at all intimidating puppy, was now a giant lion, as tall as the roof of the bus. It's tail was a snake, writhing and hissing in excitement of a fight. Okay, here's the weirdest part.
There was another head.
Sprouting from it's back.
Ohhhh-kay, it's a goat head.
No, really. Your so excited to fight a Chimera in a moving vehicle.
With Echidna, the mother of all monsters, behind it.

Your eye twitched in annoyance. These monsters just can't leave you guys alone, can they?

Looking up to the rearview mirror, you can see the driver glancing back in fear, beginning to pull over next to large, cream colored buildings. Whatever the mist is doing, it was enough to scare him into leaving four kids alone with a potential threat, because damn. He got out of that bus like a bat out of the Underworld.

Your head snapped back up to the Chimera, as Leo stands slightly in front of you again. Probably more so, since you got hurt last time.

Jake suddenly cracked his whip towards the lion-goat-snake-thingy's face, causing it to rear back in alarm. It let out a mighty roar, dousing you all in a nice coat of monster spit.
"Great, I needed a shower," Leo mumbled, sarcasm dripping in his tone.

"Don't take all day!" Echidna cried at her- son? Pet? How do you know?

The Chimera charged.

You barely had time to react as you were shoved into one of the seats by Leo, covering his body with yours, as the Chimera ran full speed at you, missing as you all jumped out of the way, and slammed into the back of the bus. The impact broke the emergency door in the back, sending the lion-thingy out of the bus.

"Get up!" Yelled Echidna, not pleased with the first strike. Leo pulled you to your feet and held your hand as you all made a break for the gaping hole in the vehicle. Nico and Jake trailed behind you, Nico with a slight limp. He must've gotten hit a bit.

The Chimera stood up, enraged, and shook out its mane. It faced the four of you and snarled. Leo ran forward and attempted to smash its muzzle with his hammer, it quickly dodged, taking a swipe at him with its claws.
"Leo!" You yelled worriedly.

He looked back at you and winked. You released sigh of relief. You took your (weapon of choice) and darted forward with amazing speed. You struck at the Chimera's legs, hoping to immobilize it. It whipped its tail in your direction, the snake head on the end snapping at your face. You ducked, rolling backwards, and swiftly landing back up on your feet.

Nico and Jake ran forward as well, striking at any weak points in the Chimera's hide. Nico was a bit slow, almost getting plowed once or twice due to his leg injury.

No matter how hard you all tried, the monster didn't give up. You were breathing hard, your muscles screaming in pain as exhaustion weighed you down.

Just as the Chimera was about to strike you four, it roared, and exploded into a pile of gold powder.

"NO!" Echidna yelled in distress as she disappeared, her plan failing as she retreats.

"What?" You whisper in disbelief. You should have been catnip by now! What the hell killed it?

Taking a closer look by the humongous pile of golden powder, you saw a figure. It was tall, looked about 6 feet, and was holding an oddly shaped weapon. Another demigod?

The four of you exchanged glances, and started towards the form.

When you got close enough, the chestnut brown, short-cropped hair and big, blocky glasses caught your eye.


You sped up your pace, the others following close behind. "(Y/N)," Leo asked. "Who is that?"

You looked behind you for a moment. "Nikki's sister."

When you got to her, you saw what she was wielding. With a celestial gold rod and Stygian iron blades, she leaned on a double-ended scythe, looking at the disintegrated monster.

Pushing up her glasses with her index finger, she spun the scythe in one hand, until it shrunk into a double-ended paintbrush.

Her mahogany eyes found their way to your small group, her brows furrowing. You all stood in front of her as her calculating eyes scanned your beaten and battered forms.

Her frown suddenly vanished, replaced by a big, close-eyed, childish grin as she waved enthusiastically.

"Sup?" She asked in a mellow voice.

You sweat dropped.

Yup, you thought.

Definitely Nikki's sister.

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